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How to Protect Your Furniture from Termites

>> Jul 3, 2013

Among the many pests that can infest a house or its whereabouts, termites are ones of the most dangerous, as they will not refrain only to the house or to the garden, but spread their dominance over your entire property. Closing a termite bond with a pest control company is one of the best and safest solutions, as in the U.S., there are many types and species of termites and one can never be sure if they will ever escape their incredible damaging presence.

There are subterranean species, dry-wood and damp-wood species, Formosan ones and nobody can be too careful when it comes to protecting their indoor and outdoor living space, especially since 20 out of the 50 species living in the U.S. are considered extremely dangerous pests. A company providing specialized prevention and treatment plans will surely keep your house safe from trouble but you would like to keep an eye on things, too. And because once they settles inside your home, having the termites out for good is going to be a serious problem, there are still some solutions available if you want to protect your furniture in order to prevent serious damage from happening.

1. Control the moist
Moist is the number one enemy to your wooden furniture and termites love wood and moist. Make sure your house is always has a safe level of humidity and keep your furniture safe from mildew and dark, moist corners. Make sure your ventilation system works properly and the furniture doesn’t come in contact with large quantities of water which may never dry.

2. Choose the right furniture
Massive wooden furniture is beautiful, especially for large houses with a special type of style and interior design. Loving antiques and vintage pieces may consist of another type of price to pay, as termites are very attracted to real wood and not the pressed type. Before you buy furniture, make sure it is treated accordingly and be careful especially to old antiques, as they may carry with them some invisible guests you don’t want.

3. Control and treat your furniture
Together with the company that holds your termite bond, make regular inspections of the furniture. If termites don’t horribly spring out of your wooden cabinets, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there. A furniture treatment program is something that you should do together with a professional, as pouring pesticides over the house may turn out equally disastrous.

    1. Dont ignore the fireplace 
If you have one and you like to burn wood inside the house, keep the pile of wood at a minimum. It may not be furniture, but it is very preferred hiding place for termites. Keep the wood as far as the house you can take and even outside, don’t let it lay on the ground.
    1. Wooden picture frames? Dont forget about them 
The dry – wood termites will not neglect even the wooden paintings or picture frames and you shouldn’t either. Probably your pest control specialists already told you to keep and eye on them too, and just because those items are small and somehow can pass overlooked, it is not a reason for you to not check them or treat them accordingly to the program.

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