Teachergive Sale 2023

Teachergive Sale 2023

One Organ with Many Names

>> Jun 10, 2009

As happened in many countries, most parents are reluctant to mention the real name of the genital to their son. As parents, we commonly use alias to mention this organ. The aliases are varied; it depends on the local culture around us. In my country, the aliases are many and they all are funny names, such as tetot, titit, bird, boy, duck, the little, etc.

An expert in early aged children education said that introducing the real name of genital must be adjusted with the child’s age. If your child is still below five years old, you can introduce the genital name using alias which is familiar to use in your family and local society.

Basically, it’s a right thing to do if you want to introduce your child the real name of his genital. But please do this seriously, don’t you ever mention the genital name while laughing at the same time.

If your child asked why his genital has a different name with his friend, you could simply say that those names are the same organ with the same function to have a pee but there are different ways in mentioning the name. It’s better to use simple and clear words so that your child can understand thoroughly every thing that you’ve explained. The children below seven years old are still hard to understand the scientific explanation.

If your child asked why there is a difference between boy and girl genital, you could give more simple explanation that those organs still have the same function to have a pee though they have different shapes.

I hope this short article may help you. As parents, you must know how to build a good communication with your child. While explaining anything, you always have to consider the age and the ability level of your child.

5 komentar:

Swara Iklan October 31, 2009 at 12:00 AM  

Thank For Share .. I come again later .. :) :)

Anonymous December 30, 2009 at 5:39 AM  
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Anonymous February 22, 2010 at 6:35 AM  
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Anonymous February 26, 2010 at 8:25 AM  
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