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Super Dad

>> Jun 23, 2009

A super dad is really needed in a family! Hi dad, would you like to be a super dad by actively increasing your role at home?

Well, this article is still related with a previous post about after giving birth syndrome. In this case a role of a husband is very important to make a wife feel more comfortable. A dad should involve more actively in baby caring. The opinion that baby caring is a job for a mom only begins to change nowadays. It’s a team work of both parents. Don’t you agree with this also?

An expert in children psychology said that the active role of a dad in new born baby caring have a positive impact. Direct touches of a dad gives physically and psychic effect to a baby; it will build strong inner bond between you and your baby. There are many simple things that a dad can do to care a baby such as holding, touching, putting a baby to bed, changing a diaper, accompanying a baby, etc.

The expert suggests that a dad should participate in caring a baby as often as he can. These are the golden times as a dad; you should enjoy this experience, it may not repeat again!

Want to be a super dad already? Here are practical tips for you:
  • If the baby hasn’t been born yet, learn seriously how to take care a baby first. It’s better if you and your wife take a short course on caring a new born baby at a local hospital. On this course you’ll learn various activities in caring a baby such as how to bathe, to message, to hold, to lift up from a baby box, to clean a baby until to prepare a nutritious food for your breast feeding wife.

  • If you don’t have enough time to take a course, search more information about this by reading a lot and asking your mother or sister or aunt or anyone else that you trust to give you a lesson.

  • Your new born baby is at home! Let your wife take a rest to recover her energy and emotional condition so that she will be stayed away from baby caring fatigue. Your role is very important to overcome the baby syndrome that can affect your wife.

  • Be there each time your wife needs your help.

  • Help your wife without being asked before.

  • Do home tasks that your wife don’t have sufficient time to do it.

  • Directly involve in caring your baby. Practice that you’ve learned!

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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
This blog contains articles in family topic.
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