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Meet Your New Healthcare Partner – Your Physiotherapist

>> Sep 11, 2014

Whiplash!  The other driver whammed into your car and you wound up at the doctor’s office for treatment.  After weeks of intense discomfort and reduced movement, your doctor has referred you to a physiotherapist for restorative treatment. Soon, a physiotherapist will become an integral partner of your healthcare team.

Why do you need a physiotherapist, anyway?  If your doctor has referred you for physiotherapy Victoria BC, it is most likely because the doctor believes physiotherapy can help restore movement, comfort, and function following your injury.

Physiotherapy and you
Physiotherapists are educated and licensed specialists, part of a science-based profession that focuses on “whole person” health and well-being.  Also known as physical therapists and physios, these healthcare providers can help improve a range of conditions within different body systems:

  • Neurological – working with the physical effects of stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s
  • Neuromusculo skeletal – back pain, injuries, arthritis
  • Cardiovascular – rehabilitation following a heart attack, chronic heart disease
  • Respiratory – cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma

Physiotherapy Victoria BC specialists use physical means to prevent disease and disability, help patients overcome movement challenges, reduce pain, recover from injury, and increase mobility.  Physical limitations may have been present from birth or acquired through aging or life-changing events. Physical limitations also result from accidents or injuries.

The physiotherapist partners with you, educating you on what is happening during your injury and healing processes, and mapping out a course of personalized therapy to help facilitate your recovery. 

Probably high on your wish list will be alleviating pain.  The physiotherapist will also help you improve mobility or range of motion, and strengthen supportive muscles.  Joint manipulation, massage, or acupuncture and other additional therapy modalities may also be used.

Physiotherapy is focused on whole person wellness.  You may receive ergonomic assessment and advice as well as training in corrective and preventative exercises to further your recovery and help you be stronger in the future.

Your physiotherapist’s qualifications
Your physiotherapy Victoria BC partner has received extensive education and training in a degree-based healthcare profession.  Physios are knowledgeable in anatomy, physiology, and pathology, science and math.

To practice in B.C., a physiotherapist must be registered with the College of Physical Therapists of British Columbia and pass the Physiotherapy Competency Examination.  The Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators will review the physiotherapist’s credentials to ensure that the applicant’s education and qualifications meet the requirements of a Canadian educated physiotherapist.

Partnering with your physiotherapist
Your physiotherapy Victoria BC specialist will be forming a healthcare partnership with you and your primary care physician.  Together, you will create a plan of observation and assessment, physical therapy, and activity to restore you to comfort and functionality as fully as possible.

1 komentar:

Staff Administrator September 11, 2014 at 6:01 PM  

Terima ksh mbak lina buat infonya.. terkadang lewat cara alternatif orang byk melakukannya :)

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