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Could Swimming help in Gaining Muscles and Losing Fat?

>> Dec 12, 2016

Swimming, which is popularly known as a survival activity, is found to be a recommended exercise for gaining muscles too. This is quite obvious because when a person is swimming, almost all the significant muscles are involved thus exerting some aerobic effects on our body. This way, our lungs, and heart would receive a great workout. Now, we can see some of the most significant effects of swimming in our body here. Just read it…
Immediate Effects of Swimming:

As soon as you get immersed in water bodies, what you receive is the immunity. This is the result of a lot of energy that you need to stay afloat on water. Also, being in water needs you to move in uncommon ways using some of the uncommon muscles. And yes, it takes you to stay highly motivated. Although this is looked upon as a life-saving activity, the benefits of this activity do not stop with this. By swimming, you can gain more muscles, higher endurance plus good calorie burns.

Why is Swimming Beneficial in Weight Loss?

It has been observed that this has the best body shaping benefits. These benefits are the result of a greater calorie burn and employment of muscles. It has been estimated that a regular swim would burn almost 500 calories in just one hour. Moreover, your additional efforts could burn up to 700 calories with an hour of swim.

A major reason why swimming is ideal for burning your calories is because it is much denser than air and hence, the movements inside the water bodies are just equal to your resistance training. As such, swimming would work well for the below portions of your body:

  • Hip
  • Arm
  • Shoulder
  • Glutes

Therefore, you can also gain more muscles when also being able to reduce your fat by swims.

Our Investigation Results:

As per the investigations carried out by our company Steroidsfax http://steroidsfax.com, a research study has shown that swimming does not affect your weight when you are not on controlled diet schedules. This study, which was published in a famous sports journal, has shown that the study participants gained five pounds when they are in a three-month swimming program. This is in contrast with the results from the candidates who were put to walking and cycling programs.

Implications from the Study:

The root cause of weight gain is found to be temperature inside the water. Doing this in cold waters tends to elevate your hunger thereby increasing the caloric intake. It’s due to this reason that an average swimmer is having high amounts of fat than an average cyclist or runner. In general, the swimmers tend to have a larger meal post swimming. This is contrary to the cyclists/runners as the higher body temperature got from the training would tend to decrease the appetite in cyclists/runners. Therefore, what we imply from this study is that a controlled diet along with swimming could successfully reduce our weight when at the same time enabling us to gain muscles.

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