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How to Prepare Your Kids for Disaster

>> Jun 1, 2017

When it comes to preparing for any disaster that may come your way, it’s important that one be equipped with the necessary knowledge to help you in the heat of crisis. This is known as disaster preparedness and this goes for everyone of all ages, especially children.

Another thing about disaster is the need to keep your family safe from harm. As the patriarch or matriarch of the family, your children look to you for safety and guidance and when they see your fear, that fear is passed onto them. However, it will also be your responsibility to equip your children with the necessary skills to survive disaster, not only for their own good but your assurance as a parent as well that your children will be okay when disaster strikes.

With that said, here are some tips that can help you prepare your children for disaster:

1.  Make Sure They Have the Necessities

When packing your child’s disaster kit, make sure that what is included in their pack are the following:

·         Water
·         First-Aid kit
·         Food
·         Radios
·         Cellular Phone
·         A Map
·         List of Numbers to Contact in case of Emergency

If your child has all of them, their safety is doubly assured.

2.  Teach Them How to Use Emergency Supplies

Since their children preparing for disaster, it’s important for them to know how to use items made for emergency uses. At their age, they may be able to use a flashlight, their radios, phones and other mediums of communication. But what about their first-aid kits? Or how to read a map? That’s where your teaching them comes in.

When you teach them how to use the items, be sure to start with the simplest one and then work your way up from there. For example, teach them how to use their first-aid kits, then teach them how to read a map. How you teach them matters just as much as how they respond.

3.  Teach Them How to Contact Emergency Responders

Should anything truly disastrous happen to you and your family, it may be up to them to save the day. If ever someone else is in need of emergency help in disastrous situations, even if that someone is yourself, teach them how to contact people who respond to emergencies. Once they know what to do, the safety of your entire family is guaranteed.

In fact, you can even make a game of it for the sake of entertaining them in the heat of disaster. You can have them believe that they are superheroes and that by contacting emergency responders, they’ll be able to call in their reinforcements to help save the day and your lives.

4.  Teach Them How to Gather Food and/or Water

This skill can be taught to people of all ages, your kids included. For them, teach them how to fish, how to gather fruit, and even how to cook. Also, you can teach them how to gather water and filter it for them.

5.  Expose Them to the Outdoors

A key component to your child’s learning of survival skills is exposure to the great outdoors. By exposing them outside, you’ll be able to give a more detailed lecture and demonstrate countless techniques and tactics for their survival.

Regardless of what may happen, your child’s safety is guaranteed. Though they’re learning to assure their own safety by their own hand, it’s your guidance as their parent that gets them through.

About the Author: 
Esther Diaz
A 22-year-old graduate of graphic design, DIY enthusiast, make-up lover and has a love-hate relationship with desserts. I dream to be soon one of the known bloggers.

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