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Teachergive Sale 2023

Are You On Board With the Self-Build Revolution?

>> Feb 21, 2018

By: Omar Bárcena

The NaCSBA (National Custom And Self Build Association), made an announcement recently that more than 33,000 residents in the UK have already signed-up for the “Right To Build” registers since the inception date of April 2016. As this legislation has stipulated that the local authorities must provide sufficient serviced-plots for the people in these registers within a period of 3 years from signing-up, these figures have suggested that the numbers of custom-built and self-build projects should quickly escalate across the country. I have seen a definite rise in the interest from the self-builders in the last 24 months, but you may be wondering why this interest in the self-build houses has increased? 



For just about all the self-builders, the dream to design your own home, situated in your desired location is the key factor behind these projects. The process of designing and then building your own house from start to finish provides unrivalled chances to achieve a building that is unique and tailored exactly to your wants and your needs. From a grass-covered roof to integral blinds in double glazing and underground-cinema rooms, quirks, design styles and personality have no restrictions, in association with the self-builds, the budget and all the planning. Craftsmanship along with superior quality design, combined with top-class doors and windows, heat-recovery ventilation and outstanding insulation levels are some of the key factors for this self-build revolution. 

Energy Saving, Sustainable and Green


Over and above the creation of a customized and unique home, self-builders that we have spoken to all agree that one of the main portions of the desire for a self-build has to do with creating energy efficient homes that result in a lower carbon footprint and lowered utility bills. The combination of the building materials of excellent quality like Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery systems and triple glazing and clever designs, which ensures a constant flow of fresh and clean air throughout the home, makes a significant difference when it comes to long-term efficiency inside your house along with a healthier environment to live in. In the way of using the best performance insulation as well as ensuring the home is 100% draught free, it eliminates the loss of heat effectively, that results in buildings with minimal environmental impact. If the heat loss is reduced enough, the home will require minimal heating. Most of the heating needed comes from the “passive” sources like sunlight, the heat emitted from the electrical appliances as well as body heat, which translates into the eradication of the traditional based heating systems. Remaining heat will often be offered in the form of the supply-air when maximum heating loads are under 10W per square-metre in association to the living space. 

This Opportunity Is Available to Everyone


Anyone can take advantage of building their own personal homes, from the young couples that are just starting out, onto people in search of a retirement home that is easy-to-manage. There are no age limitations, and for people with specific needs based on accessibility requirements, the self-build option offers the ideal opportunity to build the best home which is often very hard to find on traditional marketplaces. Your own DIY skills, or if you are lacking in this area should not be regarded as an obstacle when it comes to your self-build dream. Most self-builders hire a contractor to handle the building elements, allowing them to manage the project, while some self-builders hand the process onto a turnkey service. You get to decide on how involved you would like to be with the overall project. In addition, while finances will play a key role in what you are able to achieve, there are many cost-effective methods that you can use to ensure you are able to get exactly what you want. So, it is very obvious to see the reason why more than 30,000 individuals are already interested in the opportunities to create their own energy efficient and beautiful homes exactly the way that they want it. 

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