Family Gift Ideas: Keeping it in Line for a Happy Family
>> Feb 18, 2018
giving has been around for decades. It is believed to have had religious
background with givers giving them as a form of well-wishing for the New Year. Gift ideas are so commonplace that there isn’t
that much thought put into it.These days, the practice has become so
indoctrinated in us that we sometimes forego its inherent value in social
The family
is the basic structure of society and it is here where we first learn about the
tradition. It helps to strengthen bonds within the family or repair those that
have strained. One particular issue that is plaguing society these days is the
emergence of spoiled kids. Kids who feel like they own the world and are
entitled to everything are becoming a problem. There is, in fact, a term
already coined for this – entitlement mentality.
While most
parents these days are too obsessed with their own social relationships and
preoccupied by their devices, their kids are left growing psychologically
imbalanced with the lack of care. If you are one of those parents who want
their kid to grow to be emotionally mature and socially responsible, you may
need to consider the following points.
Giving undeserved gifts
Taking out
the garbage, doing well in school, not fighting with siblings, or making the
bed are all nice things but they don’t deserve gifts. Kids are expected to that
actually. In fact, if they don’t do that, they should be punished. Not the
other way around wherein they are rewarded for doing something expected of
them. Parents should be upfront with their kids that they are rewarded for
doing things out of the ordinary or for exceeding expectations (such as being
top of their class) or helping out their struggling sibling with their studies
(without being asked).
Responding to begging
parents, it can be hard to deny a child begging for something from the store.
This is especially true if that kid doesn’t ask too often. However, responding
to begging could result in the child learning to adapt this behavior. Instead,
you can do better by telling them to save up part of their allowance. If
they’re too young to have one, tell them that every month, you’ll give them
money but hold on to it. When they’ve accumulated enough for a certain gift,
they’re free to ask for the money to be redeemed. That way, they learn to be
patient and also appreciate the value of making the right choice when it comes
to finances.
Losing focus on the event
should also not exhibit any notion that gifts are very important in every
occasion. Kids are sometimes pressured
to buy gifts for their loved ones that sometimes the effort burdens them.
While it may be nice to get a gift
for mother’s day, wouldn’t it be better to encourage them to do a handmade
gift or just simply spend time with the family?
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