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Girls' Moving Essential Bags!

>> Feb 8, 2019

As if moving wasn't already difficult enough, it's ten times as hard when you are a girl. You are faced with too many decisions and tasks, one of which is how to ensure your upcoming travel is a stress-free one. How do you manage to get your beauty sleep when you are supposed to take care of numerous duties? Well, while there is no telling how to get on top of your relocation or which company in the area is the best one for you, there is one thing that is certain in this upcoming process - the contents of your essential bag. There are a few items all girls' moving essential bags should contain, at least if you want to avoid that frantic search for your toothbrush that is buried somewhere underneath all those cardboard boxes. 

Basic toiletries are a must inside all girls' moving essential bags! 

Moving is a tedious job. There are too many strenuous activities that are involved in the process of relocating items from point A to point B. For starters, there are plenty of heavy items which will require that you put all of your muscles to work just to lift them an inch off the ground. Of course, all that work can be avoided if you hire professional movers in your area. Hire pros such as Dorothy & Martha Moving NYC, and avoid all that hard work that comes with moving. Butif, for some reason, you can't afford professionals, you will have to keep yourself busy with all the physically-demanding tasks. Once you finally reach your new home, a shower is a thing you will desperately need. And that is why you should have your basic toiletries at hand. Otherwise, you may spend an additional hour hunting for your soap and shower cream in all those boxes. And there are plenty of them! So, which toiletries should girls' moving essential bags contain?
You don’t have to pack a lot – just smart!

  • Tothbrush and toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Hand sanitizer
  •  Soap
  •  Shower gel/shower cream
  •  Contacts and contact solution

Additional tip: pack a roll of toilet paper in your bag. Assuming grocery shopping isn't the first thing you do after moving, a roll of toilet paper will come in handy.

Girls always need more clothes! 

No, you cannot and should not see your relocation as an excuse to buy more clothes. Moving is expensive enough as it is, and there is no need to spend additional money on superfluous things. Since moving advice is something you can get here at 1sthappyfamily.com, we advise you to be smart with your budget, as well as with your packing. Yes, every girls' moving essential bag should include a clean set of clothes. But worry not about following the latest fashion trends, and focus more on being practical. Pack a pair of pajamas, some clean underwear, a pair of pants and a T-shirt. Of course, you should pack according to the season. You won't be needing T-shirts if you are moving during the winter
Girls’ moving essential bags should include a set of practical clothes.
You will need scissors or a small gliding knife!

Given the fact that we are talking about girls' moving essential bags, some might feel like a gliding knife is out of place here. Is it, though? You will need to open those boxes sooner or later, perhaps right after arriving in your new home. Bear in mind that there will be dozens and dozens of boxes for you to open, so you won't be able to just wing it. Of course, if you let experts relocate your art collection, furniture, and other fragile items, and you opt for unpacking services, you won't have to worry about opening your moving boxes. But, we are assuming you will be having a DIY move. In that case, scissors or a small gliding knife are a must!

Keep your purse with your essentials bag! 

A woman should not face the world without a good purse. But, a woman should also not face relocation without a well-equipped essentials bag. And, as silly as it sounds, your essentials bag should contain your purse. Think about it -isn't it easier to keep everything at one place than to look for both your purse and your essentials bag on your moving day? Basically, your purse already contains all the items that should have a place in your essentials bag, such as your keys and wallet. So, there is no need to think too much about it - keep these two bags together, and you will make your relocation that much easier. 
Take good care of your wallet on your moving day – it could easily get lost.
Don't forget your medicine if you are undergoing some therapy! 

Staying healthy during the move is difficult. Your diet is impaired, and so is your sleep. On top of everything, your stress levels are through the roof. But if you are already prescribed some medications, you should act responsibly. Whether you are taking medicine for bulging veins, arrhythmia or high blood pressure, you should always have it next to you. And that is why it should be in your girls' moving essentials bag. Know that skipping  your medicine is not an option nor will it bring you any good. Quite the contrary.

Moreover, remember to stay hydrated during your move, and make sure you snack on healthy nutrients. So, girls’ moving essential bags should include bottled water and plenty of healthy snacks. You can opt for baby carrots, some other vegetables and fruit, or you can pre-pack a lunch box. Just make sure your body is not screaming for food and water. And when it does, don’t indulge it with fast food and sodas. They won’t do anything good for your health. A healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy body, and there is nothing healthier than the groceries that originated in natural conditions.

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