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Planning Your First Dinner Party

>> Apr 1, 2012

Hosting a dinner party is fun, but preparing for it can be nerve-wracking and stressful. If this is your first time organizing one, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. Organizing dinner parties shouldn't have to be a negative experience, especially if you know how to approach the planning. A lot of it involves common sense and knowing what you want.

The Five W’s of a Dinner Party

This is the time to decide the five W’s of a dinner party: what, who, when, where and why. Decide what kind of dinner party you want to hold and who you would like to be there. Establish if you want to hold a formal sit-down dinner or a more informal potluck party, and if it is a birthday party or celebration for someone else, don’t forget to invite all their special school or work buddies. If you are planning the party around a special guest, make sure well in advance that they don’t already have plans that day. It is generally recommended to invite your guests two weeks in advance of the dinner date, to give them ample notice for scheduling it into their busy lives.

Once you know these fundamental details of your dinner, you can go ahead with planning the "how".

Invite Your Dinner Guests
A lot of invitations are made over social networking sites these days, but it is still considered best practice to send invitations by mail or email for formal dinners. Of course, calling your guests and inviting them directly is still the best way of getting immediate responses, RSVPs and other important information like allergies and food sensitivities or preferences.

Decide on the Finer Details

Now that you have set the ball rolling with your invitations, it is time to sit down again and think about the finer details of your party, such as surprising your special someone with
birthday flowers or other gifts during the party. When it comes to food, steer clear of food that is complex or fancy if you are uncomfortable in the kitchen. Instead, you could consider catering as a viable option if you are less than kitchen confident. Place settings and decorations are other important touches and can be a great way to set the atmosphere at your party.

Establish a Timeline and Stay Organized

Find out how long it will take you to prepare and cook each dish on the menu ahead of time, and prepare what you can before the party starts so that you can play host instead of chef. If you have dishes you can make a day or two earlier that will keep well, such as desserts, this will minimize cooking time. Make shopping lists of all the supplies you'll need and a schedule of when you will get them. If you are planning to have things delivered, like
flowers, make sure you order them well ahead of time. Ideally, you will want almost everything prepared, including dinner, by the evening before, except for things that need to be prepared fresh. This will leave you with time to relax and prepare yourself before your guests arrive. No party needs a stressed-out host or hostess!

4 komentar:

kimmy April 2, 2012 at 8:51 AM  
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Cosmos April 2, 2012 at 9:49 AM  

right. If we have a party we must plan first. As well as succed

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