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Protecting Your Family from Financial Disaster

>> Apr 22, 2012

There is nothing more important than family, so make sure that you always have your family’s financial future and security in mind. You never can tell what challenges lie ahead and expecting the unexpected will mean that your family’s finances will be able to weather any storm. The following ideas are sure to help keep your family protected from potentially loss.

Income Protection Insurance

If anything were to happen to you, your partner or any other income earner in your family, it could lead to severe financial hardship if you aren’t protected. Income protection insurance means that if you are forced to take a significant amount of time off work due to a health-related concern, your income will continue coming in, regardless of the fact that you are unable to work. It would be a shame to have worked so hard to get a well-paid job and financial security, only to lose it all due to ill health and a lack of proper protection.

Life Insurance

There is no greater tragedy that can strike a family than death. If you are covered by a life-insurance policy, your family will avoid being crushed by a financial tragedy as well. The cost of the funeral alone will set you back thousands of dollars, though life insurance can help to cover the expenses relating to the death, as well as provide a sizable payout to help your family finances stay afloat.

Travel Insurance

Holidaying with the family is always one of the highlights of the year. If your family goes abroad for holidays, make sure that everyone is covered by comprehensive travel insurance. Even if you have great healthcare cover at home, often this will not cover you outside of the country. Get insurance, because an unlucky accident can quickly snowball into a full-on financial disaster.

Save For A Rainy Day

It may seem that your family is blessed and that nothing bad ever happens to you, but you never know when your luck might change. If nothing else, make sure that you put aside money to help cover any unexpected crisis or emergency. Having insurance is fantastic, but it will usually be tied to a specific type of emergency, making it worthwhile to have an independent savings fund.

Diversify Your Investments

The more diverse your family’s financial investments are, the better you will be able to survive uncertain economic times. Even if one of your investments goes under, having a few others will mean that all is not lost. Keeping all of your eggs in one basket is never a good idea, so consider a wide array of investments, and your family is far more likely to survive a major economic downturn.

1 komentar:

Chris from buyincomeprotection.co.za June 1, 2012 at 3:55 PM  

Having insurance protection is certainly important these days. You may resent having to pay a monthly premium but at least you can be sure that your family's financial security won't be compromised should unfortunate events occur.

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