How to Treat Laryngitis
>> Aug 21, 2012
The larynx is a part of the windpipe that contains the vocal cords. Laryngitis occurs when the mucous membranes of the larynx become irritated or infected, causing the vocal chords to become in flamed and swollen. As a result, the enlarged vocal chords are unable to open and close properly, producing a hoarse, soft whisper-or complete loss of voice.
Laryngitis can be caused by a number of factors. Excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, or recreational drug use can irritate the larynx. Laryngitis also can be caused by inhaling airborne chemicals or by talking or singing more than usual. Laryngitis is often the result of a viral or bacterial infection that originated with a cold, flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia.
Conventional Medical Treatment
Whether irritation or infection is to blame, laryngitis is usually treated with voice rest, over-the counter analgesics (painkillers), and avoidance of all irritating substances (including alcohol, smoke, and household chemicals). If the condition does not improve after taking these measures, see your doctor, who may analyze throat tissue for signs of bacterial infection. In cases of severe bacterial infection, antibiotics also may be prescribed.
Complementary and Alternative Treatments
Nutrition and Supplementation
Avoid refined carbohydrates and focus on whole foods with plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of pure water and herbal teas, and follow these suggested daily guidelines for supplements:
- vitamin A (50,000 IU for 3 days; do not exceed 8000 IU daily if you are pregnant)
- vitamin C (2000 mg)
- garlic capsules (as directed on label)
- zinc (15 mg lozenge twice daily)
- a prodophilus formula (as directed on label)-is especially important if you are taking antibiotics
- glutathione (oral spray form)(as directed on label)
(For an acute condition, take supplements until your symptoms subside. If symptoms persist, seek the advice of your health care provider. For a chronic condition, consult your health care provider regarding the duration of treatment.)
Ayurvedic Medicine
To ease the discomfort of laryngitis and recover your voice, Ayurvedic practitioners often favor an infusion of cloves, ginger, or mint.
Bodywork and Somatic Pradices
Polarity therapy, reflexology, and Oriental bodywork techiques can be helpful.
Your homeopathic practitioner may recommend one of the following treatments for laryngitis, depending on your symptoms: Argentum nitricum if you've overused your voice, and your throat feels raw and sore; Arum triphylum if your voice is hoarse and cracks.
Apply alternating hot and cold compresses once or twice daily to the neck and throat to soothe general discomfort and aching in the area.
You also can try steam inhalation for 10 minutes or so every hour throughout the day.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
This modality can lessen the pam and inflammation of laryngitis, and also can help quiet a cough. Acupuncture points include those related to the pharynx and larynx, heart, and lungs.
This modality can lessen the pam and inflammation of laryngitis, and also can help quiet a cough. Acupuncture points include those related to the pharynx and larynx, heart, and lungs.
To alleviate the symptoms of laryngitis, the practitioner may focus on Liver, Lung, and Conception Vessel.
Chinese Herbal Therapy
Mint is a very soothing herb often prescribed in cases of laryngitis. It can be taken in infusion, powder, or decoction form (up to 4 grams a day). Chinese herbalists also suggest brewing mint leaves into a tea and taking with honey, as needed. The Chinese over-the counter medicine known as Laryngitis Pills are also useful for treating this condition.
Author Bio
Subodh Jain writes for DIY articles and is owner of several other blogs related to health, random reviews and more.