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Getting the Most Out of Wood in Home Decoration

>> Apr 25, 2013

Wood is one of the most widely used building materials and has been since the dawn of time. This article explores how to get the most out of wood within home decoration, the types of wood available on the market and what wood to use where.

Wood has several unique properties which make it an incredibly versatile building material. It is easy to manipulate and build with and is also very hard wearing. Furthermore, it has aesthetic properties which people associate with both grand and rustic homesteads. It ages incredibly well, meaning that purchasing wooden surfaces is a great investment.

Using wood within the kitchen
One of the most important places to use wood for home decorations is within the kitchen. Having a large wooden table and solid wood worktops will give your kitchen a rustic look which will develop with time. As long as you treat the wood from regularly and do not leave it to get damp, it will last a very long time. There is a range of high quality wood which can be used for a worktop such as oak, beech, walnut, maple and cherry. What you choose really depends on the tone and design you are after. If you are unfortunate enough to burn a wooden worktop, you will often find this adds to the rustic character, unlike burnt vinyl or veneered worktops which often look messy. Most importantly, because the kitchen rarely contains soft furnishings, the insulating properties and dark tones of wood can often bring warmth into a room which can otherwise feel cold and sterile.

Wood in the living room
Most people overcrowd living rooms with soft furnishings, thick carpets and large curtains. Leaving some space for some wooden furniture, such as a great coffee table or some stools and chairs, can really take the 1950s grandma bedstead look away from a living room. It is good to use dark woods such as mahogany to bring warmth into a living room.

Exposing the wood
One of the easiest ways to add value to your house is to expose any old wooden beams, especially within the ceiling. This may not be possible with a modern house but the effect can be replicated. Having exposed wooden beams provides a lot of character to the home. Any other wooden structures on display, such as stairways and banisters should also be left unpainted and be made from high quality wood such as oak, beech, or maple.

The interior decorations of a house brings thematic atmosphere into a home, but is ornamentation which gives a homestead its unique character. If you have a lot of wooden furnishings around the home, consider complimenting these with some wooden ornaments. There are a wide range of ornaments and decorations which are often made from wood and these can be used to enhance the flavour of your home.


Smith has been working in home decoration for over fifteen years and regularly writes articles for a range of magazines, newspapers and online media. Click here to find out more about how wood can be used to improve your home, the multiple types of wood available and how wooden tabletops and worktops can add value to your property.

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