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6 Essentials in Reseller Hosting Business for Mothers

>> Jul 15, 2016

Time is a scarce resource and every second ticking away matters. You can make a living working online from home. As a mother, you do not have any excuse to be idle. Reseller hosting is a new avenue that is fast opening up and being conquered by web owners. Are you a new mother with time on your hands to make money online? Try this venture.

However, before trying to swim in these waters you should keep the following tips close to your heart:

1.   Administrative facilities
For your online reseller hosting shop to make money, you must have a management system consisting of a database with account details of your users as well as their data. This user database will give you better management and control of the accounts’ details of your clients.

2.   Quality
You do not have to invest much to start business in reseller hosting. However, most web owners are taking up the same business path. You should make your products different by offering the best services at a premium. A high uptime and a large scalable bandwidth is attractive to many customers and you will have many coming your way.

You may also consider having multi-tiered plans and/or multi packaged services. This strategy will make your business the reseller hosting with best price bringing in more clients at reduced costs.

3.   Order forms
Your business will not kick off without the order forms. These are the basic necessities for running you reseller hosting business. As a mother, you require a system through which all your children or child’s stuff is organized. Order forms serve the same purpose, kind of.

The order forms allow verification of domain information for complete registration of domains; they will validate the entered domain details and enter this and more information into the embedded database of customers. It also serves as an accounting tool by facilitating processing of credit cards and invoices.

a.    Automated billing
An automated billing system is efficient and the best way of giving high quality and standardized prices for your tiered reseller hosting packages. It will also contribute to sustainability. Invoices and reports will be automatically emailed letting you charge credit cards and even freezing overdue accounts.

4.   End-user control interface
This is why you should run your business from home during your free time when your kid takes a nap or when in school. With an end user control interface, your clients will be able to manage their personal accounts preventing accountability and many management tasks.

Most of your customers wish to have a hosting service with user friendly services. The end user control interface is therefore an attractive feature working as a control panel for your clients to manage their databases, view their website and creating their own email accounts. You must therefore have this feature.

5.   Scalable feature for databases
You will attract more clients if your reseller hosting services allow for leverage and expansion. It should be able to offer more space at a price, making it suitable for web designers who will use the hosting for creating portals and registering domains.  

6.   Technical support
You do not have to be a techie to run a reseller hosting business. However, the key to your business growth and success is having a technical manager offering support services to your clients. Inquiry forms and FAQs will also help.

In conclusion, you can make a few dollars in the confines of your home by investing a few dollars in the best servers with the high quality features then offering about 100% up time. This will guarantee great business. Carve out your niche, market your services and make money!

Author Bio
Sara Perkins is an entrepreneur with many online businesses dealing in reseller hosting. She is a stay at home mum and attributes her online success to multi-tiered packages that offer the best hosting with best price. This is a universal marketing strategy that will guarantee your money back.

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