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New parents have become sort of a cliche these days

>> Apr 3, 2017

We see memes depicting the life of confused new moms and dads in zombie-like trances thanks to the lack of sleep, food, and possible even sunlight. Are new parents the new vampire thriller?
The (sad) truth behind this is that these memes are actually pretty spot on. Those first few weeks as parents are honestly the toughest, most trying times as a parent. Sure, you will always have your ups and downs, but there is nothing more challenging than caring for a new baby for the very first time. Why, do you ask? It’s simple, really. Fear of the unknown. Everything is new, from the cries, to the diapers, to the unknown; all this paired with the fact that there is no sleep being had by anyone. None. Except that adorable little baby.

So, if you know a new, first time mom or dad, here are some ways to help them survive the first few weeks of life with their newborn.

1.   Bring food. Chances are they either haven’t eaten in awhile, or if they did find time to eat, it was most likely cold leftovers or something inedible.
2.   Clean their house (or hire someone to do it!) There is nothing worse than sitting on the couch, with a sleeping baby, and deciding if you should clean your house or take a nap. Let them choose nap by cleaning their house for them or by finding a local cleaning company to do it. 
3.   Bring cute baby clothes. Baby clothes can get expensive, so be sure to come prepare to dress their baby in all things cute and hip. Check out online coupons to snag even better deals.
4.   Offer to babysit so they can grab a beer, a nap, or even just take a walk around the block. Sometimes walking the dog or taking a shower can feel like a break. Give them an hour kid-free so they can feel human again.
5.   Give them a hug and tell them you understand. This will go such a long way.

2 komentar:

Djangkaru Bumi April 3, 2017 at 5:10 PM  

Pertama punya bayi, ada rasa haru, bahagia dan bangga tapi juga ada rasa kawatir akan keselamatan ,kesehatan dan segala hal. Tangisannya..penuh makna. Bingung untuk menterjemahkannya.

Putra April 3, 2017 at 9:03 PM  

Having baby require more than just patient. Especially for the first one. But it could be fun when we love what we do, right?

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