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Build Your Own Indoor Garden With These Ideas

>> Jul 28, 2017

One of the best things to add in your home to make it look better, and give it a down-to-earth look, is by adding a garden. Having a garden at home allows you to grow your own plants, which can allow you to raise your own fruits and vegetables. It also gives your home a calmer atmosphere, which is good for removing some stress. It is also a nice DIY project for your home that you can do with your friends and family. But sometimes, your home may not have enough space for a garden. Fortunately you can create your own humble indoor garden with the right amount of materials. Here are some ideas to keep in mind when building your own indoor garden.

1.   Mason Jar Garden
Mason jars have become one of the most popular items to have on your home recently, and people have been using them for many different things, such as drinking glasses, stationery holders, and even as plant pots. For the latter idea, you can use mason jars as a makeshift vase for the plants inside your indoor garden. All you need is a few mason jars, and a stand or shelf where you can place them. Keep in mind that mason jars do not have holes in the bottom to drain the water, so do not overwater the plants.
2.   Tabletop Succulent Garden
One of the most important parts of the garden is the planter to place your plants. One of the best planter ideas to do is making a tabletop version of it. The material that you need for your tabletop succulent garden is a glass or ceramic container to place your succulents.

3.   Gutter Planter
While gutters are more known for their ability to redirect the flow of water on your rooftop, it can also be used as a planter for your indoor garden. For this project, you need a few sections of the gutter, some strong wires, and some screws. Once you are finished, all you need to go is to hang them on your wall and put some plants. This is great for those who are looking to grow their own fruits and vegetables indoors.
4.   Hanging Bottle Gardens
Another wonderful hanging garden idea, using some of your old bottles as your planters is a wonderful way of repurposing them. Like with the Gutter Planter, all you need is some wires and screws, and some glass or plastic bottles. This would give your home a more rustic feel, especially if you put flowers on your bottles.

5.   Wine Bottle Holder
Other than using bottles as your planters, you can also use wine bottle holders as well. These bottle holders work well as planters, as they are really intended to be hung on the wall. The materials that you need are nails and screws to place your bottle holders. As for the plants, you can place flowers and small fruits and vegetables.

Key Takeaway
Having an indoor garden is a great way to freshen up your home. You are not only decorating your home, but you are also able to grow your own plants as well. With these nice and simple indoor garden ideas, you are bound to give your home a nice new look. 

1 komentar:

Mang Lembu July 29, 2017 at 12:28 AM  

ide kreatif membangun taman didepan rumah nih, bisa make bahan dan barang bekas pake kan?
cobain ah.....kalau inget tapinya

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