What to Do When Stuck in the Middle of a Riot
>> Jul 29, 2017
Throughout the years, a large number of news showed incidents of
violence. They are on the streets, within homes, and even in well-known
peaceful places such as Paris. The thing is – violence has become constant –
with people fighting for their own ideologies and principles in the form of
anger. And though there may be peaceful protests, you cannot always determine
the flow of the activity; hence, it is important to prepare for surviving
Should the unwanted happens – which is being stuck in the middle of a
riot – you should remember these tips:
#1 Know
your area. Being familiar with your place helps a lot in so
many ways, which includes being stuck in a riot. But before that even happens,
it’s best to walk around your area to collect information on every street, back
alley and dead end that you have in your place. If you’re commuting, it will
also be helpful to know the area where you work and the different routes you
could use to go home. Of course, also look for escape routes and safe areas you
could run to, to secure safety. After gathering all these information, make
sure to mark those key points on a map to record them.
#2 Do not
panic. This is actually the best piece of advice you could
use in case you’re stuck in the middle of a riot – do not panic. Keep your
emotions in check as being afraid will only make you part of the
‘establishment’ that rioters hate. Instead,
keep your head down to avoid confrontations with the rioters and remember to
walk at all times to avoid attracting unwanted attentions especially with the
police that could mistake you for a threat.
#3 Blend
in. If you haven’t found a way to escape the crowd,
make sure to blend in. Remove any signs from your clothes that could make the
rioters think that you are not one of them or at the very least, cover
yourself. But while it is important to escape from the rioters, it is also
important to look innocent in the eyes of the police to avoid getting arrested.
However, if someone from the rioters try to converse with you – make
sure to mirror what they tell you so as to sound like you’re one of them. Just
go with the flow, and… find your way out.
#4 Avoid
direct interaction with the police. Although
in your eyes, you are just someone who’s caught up in the riot – to the police,
you are a probable threat. As frustrating as that may sound; you can’t cross
the line and ask for their help.
#5 Be
alert. Always keep an eye on your surroundings to avoid
sudden attacks. It may possible, even within the crowd of the rioters – thus,
watching people’s body language will help you know what to do next. Plus
there’s a huge chance that you will be able to escape the riot unharmed.
With all these tips considered, it is important to realize that to
survive a chaotic situation – it is important to start with yourself: prepare
no matter how impossible it may happen to you, keep calm if it does, and stay
alert to further avoid harm.
About the Author:
Laurel Santos may be a 24 year old adult but at her core she is just a
little girl full of wonder. She lives in the city and works as a freelance
photographer in the Philippines. She manages a small pet shop inside her
village. She has a big heart for animals, especially stray dogs. She is an avid
traveler because she believes that life is not lived within the borders of your
own home. Despite her busy schedule she always finds time to do one thing
that she is very passionate about and that is writing.
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