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Self-Care Techniques for Treating Concussion Symptoms

>> Aug 5, 2017

What is a concussion?
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) that occurs after a heavy blow or jolt on the head. Depending on the intensity of the blow, your head and brain might be subjected to vigorous shaking, making you lose consciousness.

Both children and adults can suffer from concussions, especially when involved in car accidents, falls, sports and other strenuous activities. In fact, if you are a sports enthusiast and participate in boxing, rugby or football, you are at a higher risk of suffering a concussion.

What are the most common symptoms of a concussion?
Memory loss and headaches are the most common, with other cases like depression, confusion, dizziness, irritability, loss of coordination, light and noise sensitivity, nausea and blurred vision being reported.

If you or your loved one experiences these symptoms, seek medical advice as soon a possible. Nonetheless, it is best that you see a doctor as soon as you have a head injury.However, because most head injuries tend to be mild, it is important for you to learn how you can take care of yourself after a concussion. Therefore, read on for some expert tips on self-care techniques and treatment for concussion.

Self-care procedures for treating a mild concussion

  • Use a cold compress to reduce the swelling – A bag of ice or frozen vegetables works wonders. However, never put ice directly on the skin but rather wrap it in a towel and place it on the swelling for about 30 minutes.
  • Take pain relievers as soon as possible – However, before taking any pain medication, contact your doctor for advice on which painkiller is best for your situation.
  • Get enough sleep during the night and rest well during the day – The best way to deal with concussion is to minimize body and head movements as much as possible.
  • Avoid alcohol as it may worsen your symptoms, especially when you are dealing with loss of coordination and/or balance.
  • Take a break from your everyday hustles and bustles. It doesn’t matter whether your boss is strict or you have an important lecture in the morning. Concussions might be life threatening so unless you are fully recovered,just rest!
  • Do not drive after suffering a concussion. As we all know, concussions might cause memory loss, loss of balance, blurred vision and sensitivity to light, symptoms which might be fatal, especially when you are behind the wheel.

When to seek medical attention
Sometimes the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may take days to occur. Therefore, it is important that you monitor your progress and stay alert for any signs and symptoms that could suggest a more serious issue than previously thought.

If you or your loved one have symptoms like drowsiness, severe headaches that won’t go away, migraines,difficulty speaking or walking, fits and seizures, fluid flowing from your ears and nose, mental confusion and lack of consciousness, seek medical attention fast.

Charles Harrington is a professional healthcare provider. He is an expert caregiver for people who have suffered concussions. For more information on treatment for concussion, visit his blog here.

2 komentar:

Mang Lembu August 7, 2017 at 4:24 PM  

orang namanya juga sedang kena gegar otak pastinya lagi error tuh kepalanya, kok disuruh ngobatin sendiri, apa nantinya nggak salah minum obat, coba?

Maya August 10, 2017 at 9:48 AM  

Gegar otak ini sangat berbahaya dan butuh penanganan yang benar, saya sangat khawatir saat anak yang masih balita terbentur benda keras pada bagian kepalanya
terima kasih ilmunya mbak

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