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5 Best Ways to Make a Perfect Bed

>> Nov 23, 2016

Making your bed is the worst and most boring thing ever, but our parents insist us to do it. But whatever we do, however much we prolong it we have, have to do it. It's the most boring thing EVER.  There are so many ways to make a perfect bed. Not only does take a lot of your time but it is very unnecessary for us teenagers.

Adding lots of pillows is always a good idea. By throwing some pillows to your bed, you won’t even have to clean your bed that much. Just throw in some colorful and bright pillows to make your room chic and vibrant. One can never go wrong with pillows and cushions.

Add something

To make your bed better, you can add something at the side of your feet like a bench or anything that makes your room look clean and elegant.  You can also put some stuff toys like teddy bears, stuffed animals, and superheroes if you are a comic book nerd or even one direction pillows.


Clearing your bed is very vital part of your routine. Take your blanket or comforter off from your bed to clean it properly. Do not forget to take off your bed sheets and pillows. If you do not have enough time on your hands, just leave the tailored sheet on the bed. Make sure that the fitted sheet is tucked in properly and is not rough on the edges. Leave no wrinkles or creases.


To give an even cleaner and proper look just adds a cloth of top sheet on the fitted sheet.  Keep in mind that the length and hem are same in size to give out a neater look.

You should also visit
mybedcomforter.com to know more about it.

"Hospital corner"

That’s right! We have a shortcut for you guys after all. Just fold the end of the top sheet between the mattress and box springs to make it wrinkle free. By grabbing the piece of the top sheet fold it into the mattress in such a way that they make a ninety-degree angle.

Finally, the top sheets are in place now covering it with a comforter or duvet to give a proper look. You should be careful that it is spread evenly and its sides must be hanging with same lengths. But don’t cover the whole bed with the comforter, leave some area to show.  You can always have trendy comforters like harry potter themed or Lord of the Rings or any other fictional based quilts but not Twilight. Never Twilight. I mean the whole Twilight saga and the infamous Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.

One must never forget to fluff their pillows at the end of making your bed. How to fluff your pillow? Just grab your pillow and grab it on either side together. 

Now add the finishing touches you want to give your bed the proper style and design. 

Do you have some ideas to share as well? Comment below!

Author Bio: 
This post is written by Julie Austin. She loves traveling, home decorating and hanging out with her friends. She regularly blog at http://mybedcomforter.com/

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