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Noodles Creation Recipes (1)

>> Dec 21, 2009

It’s my first time to share a food recipe here. There are several requests of sending the recipes that I’ve showed the pictures before, so, I think it might be better to post the recipe one by one…

Toast Bread Filled with Fried Noodles

  1. One pack of instant fried noodles.
  2. Four slices of wheat (or just regular white) bread.
  3. One piece of medium length sausage (beef or chicken, according to taste), boiled and sliced small dize.
  4. Cheese (at sufficiently), cut it into short stick or whatever size that you want.

How to make :
  1. First, cook instant fried noodles as the instruction on the packaging, mixing well with the available spice, set aside.
  2. Fill bread with enough amounts of fried noodles. Add the sausage and cheese on top.
  3. Bake the bread in sandwich toaster (could also with teflon pans or other baking equipment) until the bread a little dry.
  4. Bread is ready to serve (one pack of instant fried noodles is enough to make two pairs of bread). For those who like spicy, it can be served with chili / tomato sauce.
It’s an easy one, right? This food is very delicious to eat while warm, perfect for breakfast. It’s very practical because it can be enjoyed on the way to the place of your daily activities or for your child’s meal at school.

Versi Indonesia

Panggang Roti Isi Mie Goreng - Parodi

  1. 1 bungkus mie goreng instan
  2. 4 lembar (2 tangkep) roti tawar gandum/biasa
  3. 1 buah sosis (sapi atau ayam, sesuai selera) ukuran sedang, rebus dan iris dadu kecil
  4. keju secukupnya, potong stik atau sesuai selera
Cara membuat:
  1. Masak terlebih dahulu mie goreng instan seperti yang terdapat pada kemasan, aduk rata dengan bumbu yang ada, sisihkan.
  2. Isi roti dengan mie goreng. Tambahkan sosis dan keju di atasnya.
  3. Panggang roti dengan alat pemanggang roti (bisa juga dengan wajan teflon atau alat panggang lainnya) hingga roti agak mengering.
  4. Roti siap disajikan (satu bungkus mie goreng cukup untuk membuat dua tangkep roti). Agar menjadi lebih sedap, bagi yang menyukai pedas, sajikan PARODI dengan sambal / saos tomat.
Selamat mencoba...

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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
This blog contains articles in family topic.
Contact me at linalg4@gmail.com

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