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Australia Flowers in Summer

>> Jun 5, 2012

Australian is home to many native wildflowers and also many beautiful flowers have been introduced. During summer in Australia we are lucky enough to host a magnificent display of colour and life from a range of flowering plants. Summer is the time when we get used to seeing exotic blooms like the Bougainvillea draped over gardens and off balconies. Unique native wildflowers explode across treetops and the local flower shops are bursting with colour and variety. If you are planning to go shopping for flowers online, take a drive to the local flower market or into the country, here are some exquisite flowers to look out for in Australia.

What’s in Season?
Calla Lily
The Calla Lily is arguably the simplest and most beautiful summer flower. The Calla Lily blooms out the top of a thick lime green stem and presents into a trumpet shape. The top edges fold back around like a scroll exposing the yellow stamen. Calla Lilies make extremely elegant cut flower arrangements, especially in all white and bring a sense of peace and tranquillity into your home. They are also quite easy to keep in the garden.
The Hibiscus enjoys both tropical and sub tropical climates and grows very well in parts of Australia. The plant produces flowers that range from red through to light pinks, yellow, orange and purple.
The Bougainvillea is a native of South America, mainly from Brazil and Peru. Sir Joseph Banks discovered this vine on the Endeavour Voyage to Botany Bay. During the Australian Summer the Bougainvillea blooms and the flowers produced range from deep reds through to hot pink, lighter pinks, orange and purple.
The Frangipani is native to parts of Central and South America and are known generally for their existence in exotic locations. Many Pacific Island cultures use them to make leis and Polynesian women use them symbolically as decorations to indicate weather or not they are married. They produce a fragrance during the night to attract moths in order to reproduce however bear no pollen. The Frangipani flower is quite beautiful and is a popular choice for summer weddings.
Keeping Cut Flowers Fresh
Extend the life of fresh flowers during the hot summer months by ensuring you replenish water regularly. Flowers drink more during hot, dry days and re-filling the vase at night is a good idea. Always cut the stems before arranging the flowers in the vase. Strip away any extra foliage as the greenery reacting to the water will speed up the wilting process. Adding preservative to the water will keep them fresh longer and it is usually available at the florist. Sugar or a vitamin tablet mixed into the water can help revive wilting flowers if you are unable to get preservative. Always keep cut flowers away from direct sunlight and out of the air-conditioners line of fire.
Native Australian Wildflowers
Wheel of Fire
Stenocarpus Sinuatus is the correct name for this Australian native tree. The flowers bloom during late summer and are shaped like a wheel or barrel. Flowers are coloured red and usually hide within the leaves of the tree so a closer look is required to take in the full splendour of the bloom.
Golden Penda

Xanthostemon Chrysanthus is a tropical rainforest tree that also reaches full bloom during late summer. The tree produces many heads of bright yellow flowers that attract nectar feeding birds. The tree is native to North East Queensland however has adapted further south quite well. The flowers are similar to eucalypts and bottlebrush and occur in clusters. The actual flower consists of many stamens giving it a gorgeous fluffy look.

Swamp Bloodwood

Corymbia ptychocarpa is another tropical tree that is also attracts nectar feeding birds. The Bloodwood blooms in the late summer and produces cone shaped flowers that burst out at the top in fluffy looking stamens. The flower colour ranges from red to hot pink and white and turn into a wooden seed capsule by the end of autumn.


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