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Teaching Your Children about Power Conservation

>> Jun 12, 2012

Teaching your children about energy conservation can be both fun and educational. Not only will your child learn a lot but you might learn a thing or two as well. Energy, as we know it, is not only the electricity that runs our television but also the energy used to run water for our washing machines and the gas for our stove tops. So why is it so important for children to know about energy conservation?
      Children are our future so they need to be able to help the planet.
      It is good for children to understand where things come from.
      Children need to know about renewable energy as well as the need for non-renewable energy.
      By making children more energy conscious they can assist in saving money around the house.

So how can you teach a child about energy conservation?

Ask a Professional
Consulting an electrician on how to teach a child about energy conservation may be a bit costly. However, there are lots of resources online about energy conservation and there are many great places to visit, such as museums. You might also want to research some movies that cover the subject.
There are many professions that deal with power:
      Power Plant Workers
With power driving the world’s economy from oil, coal through to solar and wind power, all of us rely on and work with power. So, it is important that all of us learn about conserving power and replacing power that pollutes our atmosphere.

Power Conservation around the House
It is important to set a good example for your children around the house while you teach them about energy conservation. It is through practice and education that your children will start to understand why they should save energy:
      Make sure all your incandescent bulbs are replaced with energy efficient fluorescent bulbs.
      Encourage the habit of turning off lights when not in a room and make sure your children carry it out.
      Turn off televisions and computers at the power point and do not just leave them on standby.
      Get some small solar panels or solar toys (which are now widely available) to start your child’s interest in renewable energy.
There are many ways to save power around the home but it all starts with just being conscious about energy consumption. The more you teach and explain to your children about power usage the more they will be able to understand and save power.

Visiting the Source
Letting your child see where energy comes from is a great way to show them firsthand about conservation. You can start by driving around coal mining areas (if they are nearby) and even check out some traditional coal fired power plants. It is important to explain to your child the difference between ‘renewable’ and other sources of energy productions. Plus, there is something beautiful about seeing a real wind farm in action that you and the rest of the family can enjoy.

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