10 Tips to Boost Your Writing Skills
>> Feb 21, 2017
A couple of
centuries ago, writing skills were something special and available only to the
powers that be, but today almost everyone is able to produce a more or less
worthy note, let alone pen wizards and those supported by http://englishlinx.com/.
image:static.pexels.com/photos/163187/coffee-tablet-headphones-work-163187.jpeg |
Yes, you have
to write adequately to be able to communicate and achieve success in business
and life. And I believe the ability to express complex things through simple
words is a true gift.
The tips below
will help you to enrich your writing skills, better communicate on the
Internet, and write articles, reviews, and books.
#1 Use Power Words
Good writing is
unpredictable and unexpected. The most powerful part of speech is a verb.
Through power words, a simple sentence gets a very strong emotional
charge and affects the person reading it.
Analyze texts. If you see the words or phrases that
have left a strong aftertaste, write them down and use in future work. Search for
you own phrases: take a dictionary, find a noun, then connect it with an
adjective and try to see if it makes sense and emotional charge.
Read this also: 1000+ power words that sell.
Read this also: 1000+ power words that sell.
#2 Read as Much as Possible
Reading is fundamentally different from watching
movies. While the movie goes on regardless of whether you realize what’s
happening, the book requires the brain to be active from the beginning to the
end. When you make a conscious effort, you become able to reflect, and that’s a
great way to train writing skills.
It’s almost impossible to learn to express your
thoughts clearly without reading. Of course, you can’t cover all books, but
please don’t limit yourself to fiction only!
Explore scientific and philosophical literature. Writing and cognitive skills
are increased automatically while reading.
#3 Rewrite Books
It’s difficult to explain from a scientific point of
view, but when you manually rewrite the book of the favorite writer, do you
tune into his waves, style, and inner world. You do not have to completely copy
it, but the feeling as if someone drives your hand is extremely unusual.
By the way, rewriting helps to focus attention on the
details unseen before. You ponder over every sentence and phrase, trying to
feel the meaning and connotations of each word.
The most important thing in improving writing skills
is to understand the most appropriate word is the particular case. Rewriting of
your favorite books will help you with this.
#4 Keep a Diary/ Start a Blog
A diary is not only a great tool for self-reflection,
but also a way to hone writing skills. Record the events of the day, draw
diagrams, create tables – whatever you do, all these contribute to developing
your writing skills. You can even put here the reasons why you are afraid to
start writing the novel, listing all the fears. A good exercise is inventing
metaphors: a metaphor of your day/event/case.
As for the blog, it’s almost the same with the only
difference that you will learn to edit and be more critical towards yourself.
The blog is very useful for understanding what people care about. You will
learn to understand how to direct the reader's attention. Finally, you will
realize that although you write for others.
No matter what you put in your words, the main thing
is how people embrace it. No one is interested in your idea – no matter how
brilliant it is – until it’s outlined in a clear and accurate manner. You will
learn how to take your post as a whole.
#5 Keep Narrowly-Focused Notes
You may write about whatever you want, but if you want
to boost your writing skills, you have to narrow your focus for a while.
Choose a topic
and direct your attention to one subject, trying to find as many interesting
moments as possible. This is a kind of art: look at an apple and describe it on
10 sheets of paper. This creative challenge will make your writing style very
Frames can hone your skills. After selecting a theme,
you can set yourself another goal – for example, use words no longer than ten
l0 letters. This simple way will allow you to treat writing more consciously.
#6 Write Automatically
To improve your writing skills, you need to write a
lot and preferably by hand (handwriting activates parts of the brain that
remain unused when typing on the keyboard). Automatic writing is an analog of
Set a task to write for an hour. Switch between
topics, change the style and the speed, but don’t stop! This way you’ll get rid
of the fear of writing and learn to generate new ideas in seconds. After a week
of such practice, you will see that purposeless writing improve your skills and
makes you pay attention to the words that you write.
#7 Do not Hurry
Stop writing essays the night before the deadline. You
need to learn how to properly allocate your time! Everyone is able to allocate the time needed to
write at least 500 words. Start writing in advance to have time to research,
gather information and produce a worthy product.
image:pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2015/06/10/07/57/mannequin-804567_960_720.jpg |
#8 Plan Before Writing
Many novice writers approach writing fundamentally
wrong– instead of making a plan, they just start writing. It works if the paper
is small, but if you’re going to produce something structured, be sure to
divide your work into several thematic blocks and points, including keywords.
#9 Start From the Mid
Given the fact that you already have a detailed plan,
you don’t need to keep the order. If you don’t know how to start or
introduction paragraph takes too much time, feel free to skip it and go
farther. A striking beginning may come even after you finish the last chapter.
#10 Focus on the Reader
Whether you like it or not, the main thing is to
convey your point of view to the reader. Therefore, you need to write in an
appropriate style – so that each line allows the reader to understand exactly
how you are treating the issue. Be sure to double-check your work and read it
as if it was written by someone else and you see it the first time, trying to
understand the topic.
I hope the tips above will make a better writer, at least a little.
Nothing can prevent you from smothering your style if you really want it!
Practice makes perfect!
Lucy Adams
is a blogger and buzz essay writer. She loves reading and writing, especially when it
comes to essays and guest blogging. Lucy is a generalist with a wide range of
interests, so you can always share with her the craziest ideas you have in
mind. As the blog posts are free, nothing prevents you from emailing Lucy Adam
right now!
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