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Ways to Make a Bathroom More Kid-Friendly

>> Oct 20, 2015

Bathroom is probably the most essential and the most practical room (alongside the kitchen) in our entire home. However, to the youngest members of our family this practicality does not necessarily need to be as practical as it is to us. There are so many things in an average bathroom that are simply not suited for a child and this thought is quite disturbing. Luckily, with just a bit of effort on your side, this can easily be changed. Here are some of the ideas on how to make your bathroom more kid-friendly.

Counters are high upWays to Make a Bathroom More Kid-Friendly by oxfordbathrooms.com.au
First thing that would probably cross your mind when talking about bathroom impracticality is the fact that some of its elements are too high for children. Vanity is the perfect example of this, however even this problem is easily solvable.

You can always add a tiny platform in form of a step stool or something similar. Another thing you could do is modify your bottom cabinet drawer to serve as a step stool alternative. Of course carrying capacity this platform is not that great but it shouldn’t have a problem supporting your child.

Storing things on different levels
The greatest problem about items in the bathroom are that some of them are essential to children while some others should be kept out of their reach. Even though you can easily make differentiation between these two groups for your child this is not as simple. For this reason alone, and in order not to worry any more simply store different things on different height levels. Careful choice of cabinets and patient organization of your bathroom inventory will make this possible in no time and make your bathroom significantly more kid-friendly. This step is definitely worth your while.

Slip-proofing your bathroom
Now, probably the most dangerous aspect of the bathroom is a fact that it can be extremely slippery most of the time. Even to you, this poses a substantial hazard so imagine the problem this can be for your kids. Their safety always comes first so making your bathroom slip-proof should be your top priority. Simply add some rubber mats on the floor and create a safe and slip-free area in your bathroom. Seeing as there are many different mat designs you can always chose one that goes best with your bathroom tiles. A clear win-win scenario if there ever was one.

Paying attention to the bathtub
In a recent interview with the renowned bathroom renovators it came to our attention that the state of your bathtub is probably the greatest security hazard in your entire bathroom. Install a quality bathtub of an adequate size for both you and your child, add a grab-bar for safer getting in and standing up. You can even add an additional rubber mat for greater safety. All of this won’t take a lot of your time but can do a miracles in protecting your child from the dangers that lurk in your bathroom.

Remembering to unplug
Not everything that poses a hazard in your bathroom has something to do with the way it is designed. There are many electrical appliances that pose a serious threat but only when left plugged in. This is why a first change you must make in order to create a truly kid-friendly bathroom is the one in your own habits. Just remember to always unplug electric bathroom appliances (like blow-dryer or electric shaver) once you are done using them. If you don’t trust yourself enough make some sort of a reminder.

As you can see, securing your bathroom is not an easy task, but it is not an impossible one either. With just a bit of will and patience you can have the safest bathroom in the entire neighborhood in the matter of days. If you live on your own this is a necessity but if you have a kids of this is an imperative. Securing the bathroom for your children and making it more kid-friendly is what this is all about. What more can a parent do?

2 komentar:

Mang Lembu October 20, 2015 at 11:37 PM  

untuk keamanan sang bayi tercinta pasti dibutuhkan bathroom yang friendly, agar bayi tercinta nggak terjerembab

Nancy Chan October 21, 2015 at 10:05 AM  

Good tips on safety. Have a happy day!

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