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Making Your Home Safe for the Rug Rats

>> Jan 28, 2016

All parents know how troublesome having children tends to be. In addition to the fact that they seek a ton of attention, they literally have no idea how to look after themselves, which is yet another thing a parent has to do for them. Jumpy, energetic and prone to random, sometimes ridiculous injuries, you need to know how to approach making your home safe for the little devils. This is especially crucial if your rug rats are toddlers and you do not want to spend every single waking minute tending to their infinite needs, while slowly, yet certainly losing your own mind, with each passing day. With this in mind, we’ve outlined a couple of useful ideas, when it comes to childproofing your home.

Electrical outlets

These have a tendency to be extremely dangerous, even for the grownups. Kids, especially toddlers, are in quite something of a danger here, seeing as how they aren’t really reluctant to stick their little fingers in less than desirable places. If your home’s power outlets are near the floor (although this is greatly unadvisable for parents), see to it that you make sure that you use protective coverings, to avoid your calm day at home turning into a nightmare.


There is a reason why pharmaceutical companies print out “Keep out of children’s reach” warnings on their products. Just as they will stick their fingers into every orifice inside your house, children will try and swallow anything that they can fit into their mouths. This is why medicine should be kept at high enough places, making it virtually impossible for your kids to get a hold of your pills. Naturally, even children’s medication is supposed to be kept out of their reach, seeing as how they don’t really keep track of the dosage amount. Additionally, always opt for clever child-proof caps on all the medicine bottles.

Pool covers

It is scary how many child drownings are reported each year, out of pure neglect. If you already have a pool cover, make sure that it is properly strapped, given the fact that even a grownup can end up with their life endangered, wrapped up in nylon, after they’ve accidentally slipped and fell into a pool. If you own a larger pool, either make sure you’ve obtained a quality, child-proof fence, or at the very least, have your pool emptied outside of the bathing season – this literally saves lives.


When it comes to children, especially toddlers, making your home fire-safe is a completely different issue. In addition to making sure you have proper evacuation diagrams, you need to make sure that you keep all your lighters, matches and candles away from your kids’ reach. Things can easily go awry with nothing more than a match, a curtain and a puckish child in one room. Additionally, if you are enjoying all the benefits of having a cozy fireplace on your premises, be sure to understand all the potential threats it can easily bring upon, even if you don’t have a rug rat in the vicinity.

Furniture corners and edges

You can easily cover corners and furniture edges in order to ebb away the risk of taking your child to the emergency room. These covers come in various shapes, sizes and colors, which will not endanger your home’s classy outlook, although even if it weren’t so, it would be a small price to pay for keeping your loved ones safe and sound.

When it comes to childproofing, you can never completely make your home safe. Even if this weren’t the case, having your kids live inside a safety bubble won’t really prepare them for life. None the less, a healthy dose of child safety paranoia can go a long way in procuring a safe future for your kid.

Related source: Baby safety guide

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