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Teachergive Sale 2023

Determining the Value of Your Assets

>> Aug 6, 2018

Assets like fine jewelry and gemstones can be invaluable to your net worth.  They contribute to a large degree to your overall wealth.  They also can be used as collateral if or when you need to secure a bank loan.

Because of their importance in your monetary standing, they may need to be appraised on a regular basis.  You can have their values determined by taking them to a qualified jeweler, having them professionally appraised, or using jewelry appraisal software to determine what they are worth.
jewelry appraisal software
First-time Appraisals

You might wonder when you should have your gemstones and fine jewelry appraised.  It could be recommended that you have their values determined immediately after you receive or buy them if not sooner.  In fact, some people like to have diamonds, gemstones, and fine jewelry appraised even before they purchase them for themselves or others.

This initial appraisal will determine the value of the asset you plan to include in your jewelry collection.  You will have an initial dollar amount that ideally should be close to the amount for which it has been sold.  You can then expect that amount to rise as the asset appreciates in value.


As your fine jewelry, gemstones, and diamonds age, they typically will increase in value as long as they have been well-kept.  If they are not damaged or significantly altered, they may become even more valuable to you.

You can have them appraised after a few years of owning them to determine if they are increasing in value.  Depending on the price that they are worth now, you might even decide to sell them to a jeweler or to someone else who wants to own fine assets like yours.

Making an Appointment

You may not have the time to walk into a jewelry store and have your fine jewelry appraised.  You may need to make an appointment that will fit your busy schedule. 

The website lets you schedule a time that accommodates your calendar.  You can then have your gemstones, diamonds, gold, and other fine jewelry appraised so you can know its exact dollar value.  

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