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Prepare Your Home for Disaster-Related Storage

>> Jun 15, 2016

Disasters occur at any time, and might come in both expected and unexpected forms. Those who already have or are looking for storage facilities during periods or in areas prone to disaster might find the following tips useful. One cannot predict everything, but being prepared when the time comes is important.

During the disaster period, it is important to have a protection plan for the unit. Look for a company that offers a comprehensive protection plan for any damages that might occur to items when they are in the storage unit. The cost of this protection is normally added to the monthly rent, but will eventually prove to be worth it. Closetbox Locations offer bonded and insured storage and will provide as much protection as needed.

Sometimes even in times of disaster, warnings are received way beforehand and people are told to evacuate. If possible, look for a storage facility that is accessible and that has easy access routes. This will make it easy to evacuate stored items and together with the family, get to a safe spot.

Warning signs
It does not take an expert to know the warning signs. Most people who have lived in an area for long know when disaster is approaching and normally take precautions in time. Those living in disaster prone areas might do well to research the warning signs and be prepared. Sometimes quick action on the part of the tenant might save them a lot in damages.
Most storage facilities are built to withstand the mild disaster, but it feels good knowing that even if, for instance, flood waters seep into the facility, books and clothes will be safe. Use packaging that can protect one’s belongings from damage, like airtight or watertight bins, allowing them to stay safe during times of disaster.

Post disaster
After the disaster happens, families that find it unbearable might be forced to move to areas they consider safer. This normally calls for some sort of storage as the family moves and looks for alternative accommodation. In such situations, consider a storage facility that offers;

  • Safety: disaster can often recur within a few days of the first wave. Have a storage facility away from the disaster prone area in order to be completely safe
  • Access: choose a facility that allows frequent access to common household items, with clear roads that will not be affected all through the day
  • Movement: choose a facility that makes it easy for one to slowly move the items to the new house once the family finds a proper location to live. Many companies now offer mobile storage facilities, containers with which one can move wherever they elect to go next.

Whether it is with the view of moving away from the disaster prone area or simply storing away the items most likely to be damaged until the disaster passes, it is important to choose a reliable and trustworthy storage option. Disaster situations often leave many people reeling with losses. With enough preparation and a good storage facility choice, surviving the whole or deal will be easier.

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