8 top tips on managing your stress levels
>> Sep 19, 2017
Stress is unfortunately something in life that we cannot avoid. The
best way to handle stress is not to avoid it, but to tackle it head on. If you
don’t treat stress then it can lead to serious mental and physical problems.
However, with the right strategies in place you can help manage stress whether
it’s related to home or work life. Here are 8 top ways to help you cope with
high levels of stress.
Take physical exercise
When it comes to exercise, you don’t need to power lift or train for
a marathon. A short amount of exercise can reap huge benefits. Just by standing
up and having a stretch or talking a short brisk walk can help alleviate
stress. By getting your blood moving your body will release endorphins which
helps improve your mood.
Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness has become a popular idea in modern psychotherapy. Mindfulness is a mental state that is achieved
by focusing your attention on the present moment, acknowledging your feelings,
thoughts and bodily sensations. If you find it hard practicing mindfulness on
your own, then perhaps consider joining a class.
Try to get better sleep
There are some things you can do in the evening to help get a better
night’s sleep. Try turning down the
lights or switching the TV off earlier. Basically, give yourself time to relax
before you go to bed. A restful night’s
sleep is probably one of the best ways to cope with strong feelings of stress
and should not be underestimated.
Concentrate on breathing
Controlling your breath is one of the most tried and tested ways to
help your mind and body relax. The trick is to breathe in and out slowly and
deeply. Whilst you are doing this you should concentrate on your lungs as they
fully expand your chest. The reason you should do this is that deep breathing
helps pump blood around the body, helping your mind to clear itself. On the
other hand shallow breathing can only lead to stress.
Speak to a friend
The best way to get troubling issues off your chest that lead to
stress is to share them with your closest friends. A reassuring voice can help
calm you and can do wonders for your stress levels. Strong relationships with friends really are
key to any healthy lifestyle.
Listen to some music
Listening to some relaxing music can help when you feel overwhelmed
by stressful situations. You can even
listen to ocean or nature sounds as these can be just as relaxing as classical music
for example! Playing calm sounds and music can lower blood pressure and has a
positive effect on the body and brain.
Have a good diet
When situations get on top of you it can be easy to reach for snack
foods as an instant way to lift our mood. However most snacks are high in fat
and sugar and can do more harm than good. To avoid eating these it’s best to
plan ahead. Be sure to stock up on fruit and vegetables, as well as fish, like
tuna. This is good brain food that will help you feel generally more positive
about yourself.
Talk to yourself
There may be times when you won’t want to speak with a friend about
the problems you are having. In cases like these you may want to talk out what
you are experiencing with yourself. Sometimes just saying things aloud can help
you acknowledge how you are feeling and cope better with stressful situations.
Thanks to the https://theworsleycentre.com/ for supplying this guest post.
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