Addressing Drug Abuse With Your Children
>> May 9, 2019
By now, your children have
probably heard about the opioid epidemic on the news, in school, or from a
friend. They may even have a family member fighting addiction. Regardless of whether
they have personally been touched by substance abuse, it is important to talk
with them about it.
Contrary to the popular,
but misguided belief, talking to your children about drugs and alcohol won't
make them start using any more than talking about the quadratic formula will
guarantee they will become mathematicians. The chances are high that your child
has already heard about substance abuse and having the conversation with
them lets them know that the doors are open to future conversations about drugs
and alcohol.
Things Age Appropriate
While any age is the right
age to start talking with your children about substance abuse, the conversation
you have will change as your child gets older. From the
time your child is a toddler, you can take the time to discuss making healthy
choices for your body. Each time you give your child medication to treat an
illness, let your child know what the medicine is and why the medicine is
taken. If the medication is prescribed, show your child his or her name on the
bottle and talk about how only he or she should take this medicine.
As your child enters
elementary school, ask your child open-ended questions about what they know
about drugs and what things they've heard from their friends or on tv. By
starting the discussion and allowing your child ample opportunities to speak
and give their opinions, your child will be more willing to continue the
discussion as they get older because he or she understands that you're willing
to talk about the issue.
By truly listening to your
child about drug abuse, you also are teaching your child that you are a safe
person to share their concerns with. This makes them more willing to come to
you when he or she is facing peer pressure or substance use of their own.
Set Clear
As your kids grow into
teens, they may face pressure to use drugs or alcohol or they may have friends
that use. At this age, your teens need clear and consistent boundaries that
reflect your family's values. If you do not want your child involved in any
drugs or alcohol, you need to make that clear. Let your child know that you
will not allow drinking, smoking, or drug use in your home.
At this age, it is also
essential to help your teen develop an emergency plan for if they are offered
drugs or alcohol or find themselves in a situation where their friends are
drinking or using drugs, especially if they are also driving. When helping your
teen develop his or her emergency plan, remind your teen that you are a safe
person to come to with concerns. Emphasize that even if it's 3 AM, you promise
to pick your teen up if he or she is in a bad situation, no questions asked.
Finally, if your family
has already been touched by substance abuse, it's important to emphasize to
your child that addiction is treatable. Many rehab facilities today focus on
addiction as a disease that impacts the entire family. The best rehab
centers in California understand the importance of healing as an
entire family and work with people and their family members to move past the
damages that addiction has caused.
Simply knowing the signs
of substance abuse in your child or teen is not enough to make sure they don't
use drugs or alcohol. However, having open, honest, and factual conversations
with your child can help him or her know that there is a safe place to turn to
when they have questions or need help.
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