Best Five ways of Understanding Children with Bed Wetting Problems
>> Jan 5, 2013
or enuresis is a very widespread issue among all children aged below
5 years in all households. However there are some children who also
extend till old age. There is no basically any general reason
behind wetting the bed; however doctors opine
that bed wetting occurs due to the miss communication between the
brain and the urinary bladder. Generally children gain control over
themselves by the age of five years but there are some who take a
little more time to get matured.
just that parents need to be a little more conscious if this problem is a long
lasting one. Once your child grows up, bed wetting may cause a
lot of embarrassment within him leading to frustrations and depression. One
needs to take medical aid for that reason. There are few myths that usually are
talked by people.
is a general feeling among majority
that children wetting the bed are lazy, or drinking
too much water before bedtime can cause too much wetting of beds.
us know about the causes of bed wetting:
- Hereditary
has generally been observed that bed wetting lies in the
genes. Children who have had hereditary problems are seen to wet
their beds till the ages of 4-5 years.
- Difficulty of waking up
has also been seen
that children wetting the bed have problems in
waking up easily due to which they do not understand the feeling to urinate.
- Medical problems
who are suffering from medical problems like urinary tract
infections, Diabetes, and constipation are prone to
secondary bed wetting which needs to be handled by the doctor.
Also children with worms have a tendency to urinate in their beds while
sleeping. Small bladder which cannot hold much urine at a time can also be a
cause of bed wetting. This is known as primary wetting of
the bed.
- Children should not be scolded for wetting beds
Children should
not be scolded or punished in any way for wetting the bed. This
might lead to more depressions among them. Instead they should try to
understand the reason behind the problem and try to resolve it slowly and
carefully. If required, medical aid can be taken. This is a part and parcel of
growing up and till 5 years of age it is normal. Hence they should be treated
with love and care and the problem and one will definitely overcome this
- Remind them about visiting the toilet
should remind their child to go to the toilet before bedtime.
- Understand that your child is not doing it purposefully
as parent requires lots of patience and understanding. You should
understand that your child is
not wetting the bed consciously. Without scolding him you
need to talk it out with him gently so that he understands that it is not
It is
not difficult for a parent to explain to his child if done with love and care.
In the initial stage, if you are aware that your child has this problem try
using a plastic oil cloth for the same. Take your child to the doctor if you
feel that this is a long drawn issue. There is no need to get worried. The
issue will get resolved very seen if handled with love and care.
the Author:
above article is written by Celi associated with who
is a mom of two and loves to write articles related to family and kids. In her
free time, she imparts knowledge via her articles.
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