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Five Steps to a Successful Move

>> Dec 21, 2015

You’re planning a move, but you may also be wondering if you have everything it takes to accomplish this transition. Much time, energy and money will be expended as you complete your move, perhaps leaving you short of everything and that certainly is not a good thing. The following are five steps to help you make a successful move
Step No. 1 — Consider Your Budget

Do you have enough money to move? You may have thought of different ways of getting there, but in any case you will still be paying out a lot of money to move your goods from one section of the country to the next. Moving costs can certainly vary based on your chosen moving method, distance, and the weight of your items.

Besides your moving company costs, you’ll have many other expenses to consider, including airline tickets and hotel accommodations if you plan to move to another city and must visit it first. You’ll also pay fees to sell your home, closing costs for buying a new home, and many other expenses as you complete the transition. Estimate your costs, then determine if you can afford to move.

Read this also : Paying for relocation.

Step No. 2 — Get Organized. Fast!

Time is of the essence and getting organized will help you manage your time. This means investing in a planner to chart your move from the day you announce your decision to the date the moving company shows up at your house to whisk your stuff away.

Organization also means beginning to declutter your home, reaching out to an real estate agent to list your new home, finding a second agent to help you find your next home, and getting estimates from at least three moving companies to help expedite the move.

Step No. 3 — Ask For Help

You need not do this move alone nor should you. Likely, you’ll have many offers to help out, so consider each one. Then take these individuals up on them their offers.

Some people want to make meals. Others will watch your children or pets. Still others want to help you pack and may supply boxes for the move. Find out how best to allow people to help and allow them to pitch in. You’d do the same for them; now allow them to return the favor.

Step No. 4 — Manage the Process

You have a lot to do and taking your foot off the pedal is not an option. Refer often to your planner. Make adjustments, as needed. If you fall behind on something, endeavor to catch up.

Ensure that your medical, dental, veterinarian and bank files and documents are in place. If your home is not selling, have a meeting with your agent to discuss your options. Know that the unexpected will happen — how you react to these problems will reflect on how well you handle change.

Step No. 5 — Race to the Top

It may seem as if you’re in a race to the finish. You are. That finish line will approach faster than you realize, requiring you to be prepared. Always.

Things are easier if you aren’t doing this move alone. Specifically, if you have a spouse, friends, or family to assist you along the way. Leaning on a shoulder during this time means much.

Moving Considerations

When your moving day arrives, have everyone leave the house and take residence in a local hotel. Stay put as the moving company helpers do their work, answering their questions.

When the movers finish, swoop in with your team — friends, neighbors and family — to do a final clean up. Then, complete the closing on your home, turn over your keys and head to the new city with your loved ones.

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