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How Mothers Can Deal with Parental Anger

>> Dec 9, 2015

Kids can trigger your anger in so many ways. Something as simple as tripping on your kids toy after a long hard day at work can send you flying off the roof. Parental anger is a normal experience. However, mothers are the security of the children, they are the nurturing and safe arms that children feel safest in. so when mom is angry, their entire world is out of balance and if this happen too often, their entire life may be thrown off balance as well. Avoid taking out the anger on your children when you get mad. The following are some ways that mothers can deal with parental anger:

Deal with your angry past

The anger you experience today can stem from a lot of situations and places. Historical anger is quite common, especially if you have some unresolved anger in your past. If you find yourself constantly getting angry at no cause at present day to warrant that level of anger, you need to look into your past. Children who are brought up with angry mothers become even more difficult to discipline over time, leading to more anger and frustration of the mother. You need to look into your past, identify the cause of anger and resolve it before you damage your child permanently.

Know your triggers

Parental anger can be so bad that even the family pet goes into hiding when the anger explodes. This is why it is crucial to identify the triggers so that you can remove yourself from that angering situation before things get rough. You should know your child’s annoyances and nuisances that are not worth getting angry about and major misbehavior that requires a response for the sake of the child such as hurting themselves. You should condition yourself so that these small nuisances do not bother you as much and that you handle the big misbehavior calm and level headed.

Use parental anger to fix the problem

Healthy parental anger can be good for a mother. It helps you identify and fix the problem for your own sake and that of the child. Parental anger can motivate you to learn more about your child, what causes them to misbehave and how to prevent such situations. Anger is only a problem when you do not use it as a sign that you should fix the situation.

Do not beat yourself up

Nobody is perfect, it is in human nature to make mistakes and get angry. To become a better mother and parent, you should not beat yourself up over situations where you got angry. Instead, you should learn from them and find a way to prevent them from ever happening again.

Get drug help

Drug addiction can also trigger flare-ups with your children. Taking too much alcohol or being hooked on prescription drugs can heighten your emotions to an unhealthy level, especially when most of the feelings that you emote are angry. You should deal with your addictions in order to handle parenting better.


Marilynn McKenzie is a family counselor who helps mothers deal with parenting challenges. You can visit our website for more information on where you can get drughelp.

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