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Infographic: How to Prevent Hypothermia in Older People

>> Dec 4, 2018

December is often a month of cheer and goodwill as the Christmas vibe takes hold, but it’s also a month where icy, wintry weather can be expected, and a by-product of freezing conditions is the increased likelihood of hypothermia, especially in older people.

Hypothermia, in as of itself, is not critically dangerous, but it makes people more susceptible to serious health problems such as heart attacks and kidney damage. These risks are higher among senior citizens with a lower metabolic rate that makes it harder to regulate body temperature and who might already live with chronic health conditions.

Therefore, during the winter season, it is even more important to check in on elderly relatives and neighbours to ensure that they are not freezing. When going to visit them, look out for hypothermia warning signs such as shivering, drowsiness, slurred speech and involuntary body movements. If you notice some of these signs, or if they seem pronounced, call the emergency services and keep the person as warm as possible until medical assistance arrives.

This infographic from Home Healthcare Adaptations  outlines what you can do to prevent the onset of hypothermia in senior citizens. Christmas is meant to be an enjoyable, heartwarming time of year, so let’s ensure that the elders in our lives are not suffering from the nasty effects of hypothermia.
Click here for the infographic in larger view.

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