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Teachergive Sale 2023

To Build Standardized Airport Lighting

>> Nov 16, 2012

I usually avoid night flight as I love to enjoy the sky view outside a plane’s window. I thought before that I could see nothing during any night flight. But my last night flight –about months ago- proved me wrong.  At that time, my husband and I planned to take afternoon flight; but the technical problem had delayed the flight. When we left the airport, the sun had just gone down.


It turned out that I enjoyed my night flight. City lights below looked awesome and the cloudless sky allowed me to see the beauty of sparkling stars. When the plane was nearing the airport destination, I was more amaze with the luminous airport lighting that shone like hundreds of diamonds in the dark. I think the proper airport lighting is really required at every airport worldwide since good illumination during nights will ease the handling of each evening flight. Good lighting around the landing strip will increase more the airport safety!


Since providing proper aviation lighting is very essential, people at the airport who are in charge for this matter should know from the beginning how to build the whole airport lighting system that meets the FAA lighting rule. The lighting issue won’t become any problem if the airport has applied aviation light bulbs that produced by Genesis Lamp Corporation.  You can trust in their products as Genesis Lamp has had wide experience –more than 30 years- in the replacement light bulb field and this company is already well known as a leading provider and manufacturer in aviation lighting business.


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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
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