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Are You and Your Family Planning to Move? Here Are the Top 5 Secrets to Having a Successful Moving Day with Children

>> Dec 11, 2017

Moving in itself can be a nightmare for most people; and if you add children to the mix, then you certainly have a recipe for disaster. Fortunately though, this doesn’t have to be your predicament. Having the right tools can save you a lot of stress and hassle when moving with children, thereby ensuring that you, your family and all your belongings arrive at your new home in one piece. So, if you are moving with kids, here are the top 5 tips you need to keep your sanity:

1. Hire a moving company

If you think you can just wing it on moving day, you’re terribly mistaken. In order to have a successful day, you definitely need to hire professional movers who will be able to cater to your relocation needs while you attend to your children. Choosing to DIY the entire project can result in a lot of additional stress and disappointment since your attention will be pulled in a hundred different directions. So do yourself a favor and find movers today.

2. Ensure prior communication

Depending on the age of your kids, be sure to explain to them in advance about what will happen on moving day and what they should expect. If they are old enough, you can encourage them to help out by placing their toys and other belongings in boxes. Involving them in the process will help to make the experience less stressful as they will enjoy being part of the project. If you fail to communicate with your children beforehand, they might become upset and throw tantrums on moving day due to all the noise and commotion around.

3. Safety first

Moving day involves handling heavy boxes and many other potentially harmful scenarios. For this reason, it is essential for you to keep your children’s safety first. Dress them in brightly colored clothes to make it easy for them to be identified. In addition, try and minimize your children’s contact with the human traffic. For example, if the moving company personnel are using the front door, have your children play in the backyard.

4. Get help

As the homeowner, you will be required to give clarifications and additional instructions on moving day, hence it might be difficult for you to keep your full attention on your kids. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you get someone to assist you on moving day. It could be your nanny, niece or even a friend who can supervise the kids while you go through the day. This will give you peace of mind that there is someone looking after your children.

5. Get a moving day survival kit

Every wise parent needs to have a moving day survival kit which should have snacks, water, your kids’ favorite toys, basic first aid equipment, toiletries and other must-haves that you’ll require. Be sure to keep this survival kit close by as it will definitely come in handy to help you and your family enjoy a pleasant moving experience.

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