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Can you put a regular door in a mobile home

>> Apr 8, 2019

Replacing the door of a mobile home is an exciting process. The process will involve many decisions that one wants to consider when looking for a door for his or her mobile home. There are plenty of benefits of installing a new door in one's mobile home both in the present and future.
The Value of a New Mobile Home Door

Planning is essential to any project and installing a new door is no different. From measurements to material and where to get the proper supplies, one doesn't want to rush as the results from doing the project correctly will make the value much higher.

Find Out The Configurations

A person must wonder if you can put a regular door in a mobile home? The short answer is yes, but perhaps minor alterations may have to be made. The first step before doing anything else in the process is figuring out the configurations of the door.

One has to do things like measure their door's jamb, rough opening, what sort of in-swing or out-swing it has. For instance, a common jamb width for regular houses is around 4'', while a mobile home may be larger.

One doesn't want to buy doors without measuring them. There are plenty of chic and nice styles available with configurations proper for a mobile home. A person will want to find a material that is right for them.

Finding the Right Materials

Each material offers certain benefits, from security, heat efficiency and cost. Depending on one's wants and wishes, they won't have a shortage of door material to choose from. Fiberglass is a common option. These doors are quite strong and durable, something every homeowner should desire.

Other options for material are going to be steel, aluminum and vinyl doors. Steel are great at keeping the mobile home insulated while vinyl are great for all sorts of weather exposure. Selecting material is going to depend on a lot of things, including the type of environment a person lives in and what preferences they may have.

Where to Purchase Mobile Home Doors

One may think that a local hardware store or one that is a national chain will have what he or she needs in terms of a mobile home door. They may or may not, but traditional doors aren't always the same measurements as doors on traditional homes.

They may be longer or wider and there simply isn't a one-size-fits-all option. The best place to get a mobile home specific door will be at a mobile home supplies store.

One can find all sorts of wonderful things that are offered at these stores; they will be at ease finding a door fit for them. Those that work there will have plenty of knowledge and expertise to offer potential clients.

Installing the Door

One can certainly hire a contractor to install their new mobile home door or can do it on their own.

Of course, make sure the measurements are correct if doing it alone. If hiring someone, make sure they know what he or she is doing in order to add the value that new mobile home doors will add.

Adding Value Without Much Cost

If a person is skeptical about getting a new door because of the price, don't fret. Mobile home doors can be installed at a low cost compared to many other home improvement projects.

They also add value to the home that will be worth the cost. Such values include the worth of the home, functional value such as security in installation and the aesthetic attached to having a new door.

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