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Internet Marketing and SEO are Mutually Exclusive

>> May 10, 2013

Most companies begin with SEO and Internet Marketing without much experience. What ensues is a long saga of wasted opportunities, terrible mistakes and avoidable blunders. Companies and clients need to be aware of current market trends when they begin to invest time and money on Internet marketing. It is not always easy but there are always ways to succeed in spite of the confusing nature of digital marketing.

The intertwining of SEO and Internet Marketing
SEO and Internet marketing go hand in hand. It is almost like saying you can do without butter and eat just bread. One needs both bread and butter for a healthy and palatable breakfast. Likewise, one cannot separate SEO and Internet Marketing from each other. Some of the most important Internet marketing campaigns have failed because they chose not to consider the importance of SEO. Other campaigns focused on SEO and forget all about social media and digital marketing. That being said, it is not a difficult thing to ensure success online when it comes to Internet marketing.

Here are the most important facts about SEO and Internet Marketing:
1.   Content needs to be written for the reader and not for web crawlers.
2. One cannot forego the importance of a clean and well designed website. Broken links, shabby fonts and graphics, etc need to be removed so that a minimalist and white space dominated webpage is created.
3.  Social signals should be given importance. There is nothing worse than have a website and not getting others to talk about it. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are as important as one can imagine them to be.
4. Search engine algorithms keep changing. Thus, one should write content not based on search engine algorithms but based on what one needs to communicate to the reader. Language should be exceptionally good and there shouldn’t be any grammatical or spell errors.
5. Digital marketing techniques must involve press releases, web conferences and media briefings.

Professional help can be used at times
When things get a little difficult to mange or handle, one must try and get good consultants who can help with both SEO and Internet Marketing. One needs to choose an agency that understands that both are mutually inclusive and one cannot separate SEO from Internet Marketing and vice versa. However, not everyone needs to consider SEO consulting, unless tried and tested methods are not already working.

Companies should consider doing everything they can to alter existing methods that don’t work
Companies and clients should do the basic homework and try to rectify all the errors present within the context of Internet Marketing and SEO. When these mistakes are rectified and they are still not able to achieve the results they want to, they might want to knock the door of professionals. Again, it is important to understand that neither SEO nor Internet Marketing is mutually exclusive and both need to be considered in the same breath. A little persistence with both the methods will help companies to take their marketing campaigns longer than they had planned to.

Author Bio: Smith is an Internet author and works at an SEO consulting firm. He has given speeches at various institutes and academies; while he continues to help his clients better their Internet Marketing strategies.

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