New Developments In Photography Can Help You Make A Niche Career--Just Find Your Specialty!
>> Apr 11, 2018
A Target Rich Environment
It can
be hard to source a good wedding photographer; couples need to know what to
look for, and how to properly choose. But if you as an
entrepreneur keep an eye on this area of commerce, you’re likely to find some
surprising opportunities. In other words, you can find a niche career just by
observing the market and acting accordingly--this is a pretty actionable
couples have trouble finding the wedding photographers they want, if you know
how to snap some proficient stills, you could have yourself a career. All you
have to do is take a few pictures the bride and groom like; they may think you
have a more professional history than you do! Again, you don’t have to know all
types of photography to make money in a niche.
several examples will be explored which demonstrate how photography has
developed over time, and some of the new developments coming to characterize
the industry. Making money in this way is becoming more accessible with each
passing innovation! Also explored will be tips to hone your craft--for example,
using older photography techniques to help focus your mind and increase the
quality of your output, and practicing on models so you get a feel of how
lighting works.
is a rich environment full of targets out there in many niches. You don’t have
to focus on that concerned with matrimony, but it is very lucrative once you
get your “feet” beneath you, as it were. After reading this, you should have
some direction as pertains to practicing in the capture of some stills, and
knowing to whom such practice shots should be sold. Even if they’re your
friends, a couple will likely want a portfolio of your work. If you can show
them how you’ve been able to work using multiple means of photo capture with
real subjects that reflect marriage photography situations, that can be a
strong selling point.
Granted, photography isn’t something so simple as just picking up a camera and taking pictures—but it’s also not rocket science. That said, as modern technology has advanced, photographic implementation has likewise transitioned. Remember in The Matrix when Neo dodges the bullets in “bullet time”? That was done via photography.
a hundred cameras were set up in a circle surrounding Neo, and they took
pictures in programmed sequence to capture that slow-motion excellence. This
gave us the revolutionary “bullet time” sequence so memorable today. As a
scientific tool, cameras have applications many haven’t even begun to exploit.
Using even a few of these to help build your portfolio right off the bat can
help give gravitas to your sales pitch as you go about pursuing a niche field
like wedding photography. Following is a very actionable takeaway that’s simple
to effect.
Photomodeler website (source:, you can see just how astonishing modern photography has become: “Using
multiple photographs, we can compute the position of a point in a 3D space by
simple geometry…” That’s pretty advanced! It’s the same kind of advance that
twenty years ago would have revolutionized the industry, as it did in The Matrix. But today, you can enjoy
such advances without requiring a professional, multi-million dollar film crew.
you may want to do is run a few pictures you’ve taken in your new or improvised
“studio” through such photomodeling software, and include the results in your
portfolio. You can also create seemingly 3-D photoscapes that you can post
online. If you don’t have a website already, another actionable takeaway to
help establish your niche in photography might include getting one, and posting
not just your portfolio, but things which utilize the latest available tech.
“Dazzle” has some weight in photography; and such measures will certainly
dazzle potential clients.
Practice Makes Perfect
don’t have to be some kind of tech wizard to become a photographer; you’ve just
got to know what looks good, and strive to capture such visions with increasing
success. But you’re going to need some practice! It also makes sense to work
with multiple kinds of cameras.
film is “going the way of the dinosaur”, it’s still worthwhile to learn how
development works. Why? For the same reason it’s good to write a poem or a
story with a pen, rather than a word processor. If you’re writing with a pen,
it takes longer, and you must think more carefully about your words. With a
word processor, you can copy, past, delete, etc. The art is slightly reduced,
and the result lacks a quality that pen-writing can evince. The same is true
with developing your own pictures as opposed to going the digital route
all you need is a dark room, a red light, and the proper chemicals. With
digital technology, older means of photographic development are no longer so
necessary; but if you really want to appreciate the craft, it makes sense to
employ them. You can additionally put the results in your portfolio and list
the fact that they were taken non-digitally--this makes you look more
professional in whatever niche you’re aiming for.
if you’re capturing something like a wedding, you may want to see if there is
any way you can practice beforehand. This was mentioned earlier: sometimes
you’ll want to practice on a model. One of the best services you can employ in
order to ensure your wedding photography
looks as you imagined is, a site which allows you to: “Try [a dress]
at home. Sample a bridesmaid dress for $10.” For ten dollars you can get the
same kind of clothes you’re likely to see at any number of weddings, take
pictures of them on a mannequin, and then send them back. It’s a lot cheaper
than buying the garments permanently, and it looks very professional.
when you can sample a dress at home, you can get a clear idea of how it will
appear in the photo album after the ceremony and honeymoon have come to a
close. The truth is, even in the digital age, professional photographers are
needed for occasions like this, and if you’re just starting out, provided
you’re diligent, you can undercut established competition and make a real
business for yourself. If your rates are cheaper than the photographers who
have been around a while, and you’ve got a portfolio of stills from multiple
photographic disciplines, this really helps you appear authoritative in your
chosen niche.
Passion And Perseverance
these things being said, you don’t have to know every aspect of photography to
be a good photographer. You don’t have to be some technological savant, you
don’t have to know the chemicals necessary in antiquated development off the
top of your head, all you need to do is have passion and perseverance. The tips
outlined earlier in this writing can help, but they aren’t strictly
necessary--you just need a goal, and the will to pursue it. Wedding photography
is a great goal in this regard, and there are quite a few takeaways in this
writing that can help get you started.
greatest difficulties in terms of top-tier photography pertain to equipment and
storage. But you can get higher and higher definition cameras for less and less
expense—just consider smartphones. Such photography isn’t the type big league
professionals use, but in a pinch, you may be surprised at your phone camera’s
a niche toehold with the actionable takeaways in this writing may take some
work, but it’s straightforward enough that given time and effort, you should
see the results you seek.
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