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Basic Life-saving Skills You Must Know

>> Jan 4, 2018

You’ll never know how pivotal life-saving skills can be unless a situation arises that demands them. Always consider the possibility that you can end up with someone choking, desperately gasping for breath, or someone suffering from a heart attack.

Meaning, these skills can literally make the difference between life and death.This is the perfect knowledge to learn alongside your CPR training, if you’re having any.

Here are some basic life-saving skills that you must know.

CPR is an extremely essential skill to have, especially when someone is drowning. This is perhaps the first thing that you appear in your mind the moment you hear the phrase“life-saving skills.”

When Someone is Choking

Choking happens when an object is wedged in a person’s throat, which blocks the airway. Kids usually choke on toys or other small paraphernalia, while adults choke on food. In case of choking, the famous Heimlich maneuver enters the spotlight.

What To Do:
1.   Give the person 5 back blows.
2.   Perform the Heimlich maneuver (or give the person 5 abdominal thrusts).
3.   Alternate between the blows and the thrusts until the person can breathe freely again.

When Someone is having a Heart Attack
Heart attack is a dire medical emergency, which means that you should seek medical attention as quickly as you can.

What To Do:
1.   Let the person relax. Ask him or her to sit down.
2.   Loosen tight clothes.
3.   If the person has heart medications, ask him or her to take it at once.
4.   Administer CPR if the person is unconscious (only you if you’ve had CPR training).

How to Stop Bleeding
If a person is bleeding profusely, the initial thing to do is to stop the bleeding.

What To Do:
1.   Apply pressure on the wound with a clean cloth or bandage
2.   Keep on putting pressure until the bleeding eventually stops.

How to Treat a Burn
Minor burns are, fortunately, fairly easy to address.

What To Do:
1.   Run the affected area under cold, running water for at least 10 minutes, until the pain subsides.
2.   Never put ice directly on the skin.

How to Deliver a Baby

Every couple probably dreads this scenario: that is, having to deliver the baby outside a medical institution, or without professional help.
1.   Hold the baby’s head—and eventually, the body—when it emerges from the mother’s body.
2.   Dry the baby, and envelop it in warmth. Get rid of any fluid inside the baby’s mouth.
3.   Tie the umbilical cord inches away from the baby (with a string or a shoelace).
4.   Only cut the cord if it will take you hours before you reach the hospital. After cutting, tie it a few inches closer to the mother. 

Key Takeaway
You’ll never know exactly when you’ll need these life-saving skills. But it’s best to be equipped with this knowledge, so that you’ll know what to do in case of an emergency. These are some things that you must complement with your CPR training.

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