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5 Smart Ways to Organize Your Bedroom Wardrobe

>> May 30, 2018

Have you always been late because it took you time to find out the right outfit? If you spend too much time deciding what exactly to wear then you really need to give it a thought. So, sit down, relax, start pairing up and create a capsule wardrobe in your bedroom. 

Always remember one thing, that no matter what the size your wardrobe is, you will always find room for improvement. Creating a wardrobe is not a big deal but make sure it is well maintained and organized. True, everyone’s wardrobe is different depending on the type of clothes and the closet size. So, find out the ways most convenient to you to keep things organized.
Here are a few ways to keep your bedroom wardrobe organized.

Look for a Place where you can Unload Your Closet

Find out a place where you can unload the clothes, jewellery and other accessories directly from the wardrobe. It could be either your bed or a clothing rack. The idea of unloading things could be a scary thing for you but if you want to see your wardrobe organized this is required. Remember, you will be going through a deep cleaning process and so there should be no half efforts.

Organize All Clothes as Per Seasons

Based on the seasons, separate your garments and accessories into different piles. This includes sweaters, coats, shorts, skirts, dresses, gowns, jeans, trousers, etc. Make sure all your clothes are sorted in order to get through easily.

Create Three Different Areas

Once you separate your dress according to the seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter), do find spaces to create an area for the following:

  •  Keep (for those in current use)
  • Toss (for discarded ones)
  • To Be or Not To Be (for those that are yet undecided)

Make sure these areas are ready because this idea will help you decide what would stay and what needs to get discarded. There must be a designated area for these categories.

Ask These Obvious Questions to Yourself

  •  Does it fit?
  • Was this recently worn?
  •  Does this wear compliment the figure?
  •  Is the piece a classic one or trendy or an outdated one?
  •  Will this feel confident when worn?
  •  Is the dress in good condition?

Put Back Everything in a Planned Way

Start organizing your clothes as per the colours you prefer the most.
Separate your clothes as per requirement. Know which type of clothes is your priority and then decide accordingly. If office attire is your main concern then keep them in a place that can be easily picked. Then bring your casual wears and separate the style – trousers to jeans.

Organize your wardrobe depending on the clothes you wear and accessories you carry. Discard those clothes and accessories which you hardly put on or use. Instead, prioritize those that you usually wear all week or month.

Last but not the least based on your lifestyle arrange your wardrobe and accommodate your belongings to the place you have in your wardrobe.  

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