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Nutrition Counselling Is Beneficial For Physical and Psychological Health

>> Jun 20, 2018

Nervous about your nutrition counselling session? Don’t be! It needs to be like a massage therapy and not like a lecture. You must not feel judged about your eating habits. Relax and understand your existing lifestyle habits, which needs a little tweak to attain a goal.

Nutrition counselling is done by RD [Registered dietician] or qualified nutrition consultant. You can even contact nutrition coach at Obese to Beast for free consultation. Nutrition counselling can be beneficial to many people who need comprehensive diet overhaul or manage medical conditions or desire to fine-tine food choices or gain inspiration for healthy recipes.
Benefits of good nutrition and counselling

Gain healthier lifestyle
Nourishment is part of healthy lifestyle. Improper nutrition can make you fatigued and tired, even before the day ends. Health declines making you vulnerable to diseases and illness. Today, people are suffering from many diseases because of unhealthy diet.

  • Increase in consumption of fat and calories lead to obesity.
  • Processed food includes excess quantity of trans fat and chemicals, which roots major health issues.
  • Lack of nutrients make immune system vulnerable.

The solution to avoid such health issues and enjoy life is to schedule nutrition counselling, so you can make healthy food choices to stay healthy.

Get fit more quickly
Nutrition counsellors recommend nutrition supplements and fitness programs. Many people think they are smart enough, so they test fitness routines and various products but this is a wrong way. Nutritionist professionals make certain that each patient’s basic health needs to be fulfilled.

Nutrition and fitness programs are tailored as every person’s lifestyle and requirements differ. Thus, you start on a healthy journey quickly without wasting time in testing different nutrition programs.

Nutritious and delicious food choices
Nutrition counselling does not mean you will be abstained from eating your preferred food the whole life or you will need to eat just cottage cheese and lettuce all the time. You will be recommended natural peanut butter, whole grain pasta, chicken breast, salmon, brown rice, eggs, and every kind of veggie and fruits. All are super delicious and great source of nutrition.

Nutrition counselling tackles root cause
Improper food eating is a symptom, which the nutritional counsellor tackles. They even aim to handle the main cause of this eating disorder. Once all the psychological issues get defined, you will feel and look relieved. Your energy level increases, weight gets controlled better and you forget to try latest fad diet. Due to an elevated mood, energy level increases, which in turn enhances your focus and memory.

Other benefits
Learning and practicing good nutrition helps to enhance conditions like mood swings, fatigue, skin conditions, digestion disorders, weight, arthritis, high blood pressure, headaches, menopause, allergies, heart issues, high cholesterol, diabetes, and pregnancy.

What is expected in initial nutrition counselling session?
The counsellor will –

  • Ask your goals and reasons to visit the nutritionist
  • Review your medical history
  • Delve in your lifestyle, so as to get an idea of your sleep patterns, stress level, energy levels, gastrointestinal functions, and exercise.
  • Discuss your cooking habits and dietary preferences
  • Detect trouble spots like late night snacks or bouncing breakfast

These are some guidelines the counsellor will apply to develop initial pointers and help you start on eating healthy food. 

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