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7 Great Tips To Protect Your Eco-Garden

>> Oct 27, 2018

Photo credit: Turkus

When a chef or a family is preparing a meal, they have one thing in common. They may not agree on the ingredients, but they will agree that having a steady supply of fresh organic produce an herbs makes a huge difference in the way the meal will taste. This may explain the renewed interest in eco-gardening and growing fresh herbs.

Not only do these fresh ingredients enhance the flavor of the food it also helps to sustain a healthy life, and it is good for the environment.

Thinking of the future

Many people in our generation buy our food from the produce selection at the store. We have come to believe that this is what normal food tastes like. But an all natural eco-garden produces organic food that simply tastes better than bought at the supermarket.

With global warming, pollution, and poor water supplies, mass production of sustainable food products that are healthy will become difficult to find. Some produce in the supermarket looks very small, while some seem to be so large, there is no telling where they come from. This explain why people have begun growing their eco-gardens. As we will explain, these eco-garden will give you great tasting foods, as well as a culinary herbseed collection, to be used when those herbs are used no longer producing.

Besides having wonderful foods; you will find if more people would create an environmentally safe foods. We can reduce the carbon footprint we leave behind. Together we can help the earth, our own bodies, and the health of our children. It is time to look at what we need to do to protect our environment and sustain life.

What is an eco-garden?

An eco (ecological) garden is a garden that provides a variety of plant using all natural ingredients. An eco-garden greatly reduces our carbon footprint on the Earth. It is a way to nourish the people who depend on the Earth’s food to live, while giving back to the Earth. An eco-garden is not neatly rows of one particular plant. It is a mixture of vegetable, plant, and herb plants. It is fertilized with the plant and fruit parts you discard as compost. All types of things are added to your compost, so when it is ready to be used it returns nutrients back to the soil, from which it came. This means the land stays fertile year after year and will continue to be as long as it is cared for.

There are several ways an eco-garden can be designed. For example, some people plant tall plants that need full sunshine and in the areas between the tall plants, they plant small plants that require only partial sunshine.

Planting different plants together to help them grow

An eco-garden supports all kinds of life. It draws bees, birds, and various insects. Natural compost keeps it fertile. But, there are some insects that you want to keep away from some plants. You can naturally take care of this problem by positioning your plants. One example is to plant garlic plants next to rose bushes. The smell from the garlic will keep certain insects from eating your roses.

Letting plants just grow as they wish does not make an eco-garden.

When you are walking through an untamed field of thick grass, plants, and trees, you are not in an eco-garden. While nature will create an ecosystem to sustain the wild growth, it is not an eco-garden because it is not planted, tended, and grown by design with human hands. An eco-garden is carefully planned so that the gardener gets the desired plants, desired look, and desired benefit to the land.

Below you will find 7 tips to help you in your quest.

Tip 1

Click here for a list of plants that will survive quite well when planted close together. When you speak to your seed vendor, be sure you tell him you are fall planting so e will give you species that can handle the cold.

We recommend that you plant veggies that grow well together this time of year. It helps protect your roots, and that is important. It is equally important that you buy your seeds from a vendor that knows what he is doing. Department store seeds could be old and stored improperly. Your garden is only going to be as good as your seeds are.

Tip 2

Use compost. Table scraps, animal waste (not from a dog or cat, egg shells, and yard scraps from cutting the grass or trimming trees.  To keep the odor away, cover it with a low cost cover.   Or add a layer of dirt over the compose when you add to it. It will attract certain insects but it is all part of the process. Most of us recycle our paper, cans, and plastic. But hesitate on the idea of composting. It is easy to do, just keep it away from your home.
Photo credit: Fahmi Ariza
Photo Credit: creative commons

Tip 3

Collect rainwater. Have  large can outdoors to collect rainwater. If you have a gutter diverting the rain away from people getting out of the rain, place your barrel under the spout so you can catch all the rain water. Use this water to water your eco-garden. This s a big one. Not only do you have rain which is what the gardens need’ It also helps protecting our streams and rivers for overflowing their banks. You will remove some to the rain. 

Tip 4

Research for plants that grow in your area. You do not want to fight the plant for growth. Instead plant native plants. While you are researching, look into some vines that grow well. You can ad a trullas with a growing vine for more privacy.

Tip 5

Use compost to enrich your soil before planting, then use it as much to protect your seedlings. This helps an organic garden grow beautifully.
Photo credit: Couleur

Tip 6

Consider the growth time and the veggies you are planting, There are many vegetables that grow well in colder months. A few examples are:

     Collard greens
     Green onions
     And much more

Bonus tip: let your children help. They can plant herbs in old coffee cans this holes in the bottom for drainage. Put a hole on each side and they can carry them outside, but bring them back indoors when the temperature threatens frost.


Many people in our generation do not know how to survive the world, if life as we know it changes. If you suddenly had to provide your own food, learned how to make it with the bounty of nature with no help from department stores, computers, or cell phones. However, it is important to know these things.

Natural disasters happen every day, somewhere on the globe. Just because we feel secure, doesn’t mean we are. We urge you to visit www.shifdad.com for more information on this subject.

Everyone should know the basics of how to protect and provide for themselves and their families at all times. Click on the link and look around. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We are pros at helping you learn to help yourself. 

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