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Qualities of a good buyers agent Sydney management

>> Oct 10, 2018

Property management is very common nowadays. People who are investing in their homes are now able to have a company who can look after their properties. Here are some of the qualities of a good property management company.

Experience that you can trust

This one is a given. When interviewing a prospective property manager, ask a series of probing questions. How many properties have they managed previously? Do they have any experience turning around troubled properties? A good property manager will also have thorough knowledge of local real estate laws, regulations, and standard operating procedures.

The right property management company will help guide your community to a successful future. When interviewing potential property management companies, ask not only who your manager will be, but who will be supporting him or her. A skilled team of experts in various fields including HR, engineering, training and accounting support each property manager with advice and best practices in order to deliver the best service for your property.

Standard Operating Procedures

The best property management company should have proven operational procedures, which have been developed through years of experience. You will want to ensure the company has standard practices they put into place for every community or building they serve. These operating procedures should include preventive maintenance programs, a full audit of all contracts and vendors, a transparent financial system and budget, and solutions that enhance the value of your property, as well as the lifestyle of all the residents in it.

An investor mindset that can’t go wrong

To the point at the beginning of this article—you want to be sure that a property manager is going to care for your property as if it were his or her own. The best way to do that is to have an investor mindset. Even novice property managers should have a basic understanding of the difference between internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). They should be able to calculate cap rates and cash-on-cash returns.

Having an investor mindset helps property managers to see the “big picture” and equips them to make important business decisions, like when to offer rent concessions and what to spend money on. A candidate who lacks knowledge of these concepts shouldn’t automatically be disqualified, but you’ll want to be sure that they show a willingness to learn more about real estate Buyers agent Sydney.

Vendor relationships that truly matter

A property management company that has strong, long-held partnerships with quality service providers will be able to negotiate savings such as discounts on community purchases and lower rates on regular maintenance, while still maintaining a superior level of service.

Communication with the clients

Weak communication is one of the most often complained about qualities in property management. Look for companies with a 24/7 call center and other forms of technology that allow you to communicate with a professional who can answer your questions or respond to your requests in a timely fashion.

Unending patience and willingness to serve

Property management can be stressful at times. A successful property manager needs to have an innate ability to be patient—with contractors who are behind schedule; with unruly tenants; with investors who can sometimes have unrealistic expectations.

When interviewing a potential property manager, look for someone who seems willing to listen. Look for someone who has great customer service skills. Gauge whether a person will be able to handle complaints and stressful situations with grace. If a candidate does not have direct property management experience, be sure they have some sales or customer service experience.

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